Thursday 26 September 2013

[10 simple tips] How to get decent grades?

This post is by no means showing off how good i am... in fact im not... However, I would like to share with all on how to get better grades or decent grades in UOL program cos Ive been asked by friends many many times...

1. Ask questions!

when in doubt just raise the question! if you are shy or afraid of embarrassment (which you shouldnt feel cos asking questions benefit all and there are no stupid questions UNLESS the teacher has already make it clear that it has to be that way and you are just being anal) just ask during the breaks or after class or even make a consultation!

Asking question is good cos for the whole curriculum, only lectures! no tutorials! and thats it! you paid for it, you know? might as well fully utilise right!

Moreover, you think just consult friends will do? ahem, you never know if they are backstabbers (i dont suspect my friends la but usually Ill ask them and teachers) or you never know if they really know the content! might as well ask the professional right?

But what if the lecturer does not entertain questions like... Manfred,
or the lecturer is so snobbish that the way he/she answers my questions like "Im a stupid leh" like... Seet
or the lecturer seems so fierce in class Im afraid to ask questions!! like... IBM (he's nice btw!)

Dont care them! just ask for the sake of your money and grades!! be thick-skinned!

Been there, done that! For manfred however, I didnt really ask him much cos he's really bochup kind.

Also, for a certain concept that you are not sure, like Econs, you are actually google it or youtube! Ive tried youtube-ing and learnt/revised quite a few concepts!

2. Study at places and timing that you study the best

For instances, I found out the fact that I couldnt study in groups even in neighbourhood library cos too much distraction. So usually, Ill study alone at home (my bro's study room which he didnt fully utilise... end up the sisters took up his space HAHHA) or study with my friends at Bugis Library (super quiet)

Studying with MP3 to some maybe good but I discourage that... cos you are already multitasking! it seems like you can read better or be more awake with that but when it comes to absorbing the text or information it fails! Some says listening to classical music when studying is good... Ive tried that... some point in time, it does seem good but... its always making me feel sleepy!! So now, no more nonsense! Ill stick to the nature music! i.e. no earpiece, no radio just the sound of the rain drops, the breeze, the leaves outside my house!

3. Do your work consistently and dont refer to model answer yet!

Important! though I do procrastinate as well... heh be consistent with your work and then revise it through when nearing the prelims i.e. before March
Think and think through the questions before raising the white flag and check the model answers!
For econs, usually Ill think and think even on bus, I will think through the question again and again for various ways of solving and decipher what the examiner really wants for that question!

4. Use colour pens or post-its or mind maps

For me, I prefer to work with colours! Especially for memorising modules, I find mindmaps good in rounding up what the chapters are about!

5. Be organised

Maybe its me... but i really dont like to study on a table full of mess (with notes and stationeries lying all around) I prefer to stack my notes according and placed it at one side.

6. No phones!

switch it off. leave it at another room or in your bag! No one will contact you when you are busying with your studies!

7. Do pyps!

Download and do them! If you start revision or consistent work early or does not procrastinate, i suppose you should have time to attempt 10years worth of PYP for zone A and B! i.e. 20 papers! woah! For me, I dont really have time to attempt all 10years... a bit too much haha so at most I did was 7years? or 5years? kinda average!

Also, do refer to VLE for any questions or videos tips!! Do go through the subject guides!! They are delivered for a reason! Examiners look for whatever that it being taught in Subject Guides!

Textbooks however, its really up to you! personally I have no time to juggle between outside activities and doing Subject guides, 10years of pyps, go through the notes, doing the past year prelims... For me, I didnt spend on getting textbooks! its quite pricey... I heard from my friend saying for some modules, textbooks are necessary like pbf... not sure if she's right... no textbooks can also get fch!

8. Appropriate amount of snacks 

Dont snack too much! firstly, your weight. second, its unhealthy. next, you are studying while sitting down and if you eat way too much can u imagine your belly?? lastly, it distracts!

9. take breaks!

A well deserved 5 mins to 10mins break i.e. toilet break, phone break, walk around, eyes to rest after every 45mins-1hour worth of studying! But, during revision such as when you are timing yourself for exams papers, complete them before you take a break!

10. Healthy diet and balanced lifestyle

Exercise! otherwise you may feel tired easily! have some fish to improve memory! and all those proteins, vitamins, calcium and goodness you need when you study/sit for exams!

Also, the brain has to rest and it will recap and retain things you are memorised or learnt in the day!

1 comment :

  1. I'm the guy who commented in a different post of yours. (now I feel like a creeper)
    Thanks for your tips! I am glad that I stumbled upon your blog, and of course, that you got your first class degree. But did you manage to get a scholarship for the masters at LSE?
