Thursday 5 September 2013


I have seen quite a few searching for OTIA UOL via google search engine and so I thought I might just be nice and do a short write up about it here...

First, Im from SIM UOL so... Ill give details in my point of view

OTIA refers to Organisation Theory: Interdisciplinary approach.

Interdisciplinary actually illustrates how this module itself merges the ideas from Economics, Sociological and Psychological view points... There are I think 14 chapters? (kinda vague to me already) that go through issues within the organisation e.g. power, culture, democracy and voting rights etc and the whole industry flow e.g. Organisation Evolution (quite a tough chapter I think... cos it involves Darwin theory etc its interesting to know nonetheless)

Exam format: I think there are 8-10questions to choose from, and you just have to do 4 questions you think you will do best in. The questions' CHAPTERS are pretty easy to predict... questions wise, you cant really predict it. But what you can do is to understand the chapters well and do plenty questions on it!

If its not your compulsory unit, if you are NOT a theoretical person, if you are BAD in essay... dont take this. Take other modules like ESAP, or I think ISORG is a better choice even though I didnt take that (thats what I heard from peers)

Lastly, there's only one lecturer who teaches this unit during my year (which is last year =.= 2012-2013) Mr Sunny Goh and... actually he is not bad in teaching it, he likes to bring in own experience to illustrate the ideas but sometimes its a little tad too much. Do ask questions in class if you dont understand! (Dont have to be infront of all students if you are shy... can just ask him during the break!)

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