Tuesday 10 September 2013

Samsung Galaxy Camera- Receiving the parcel

A week ago, I saw the deal on Groupon that sells GC100 for 499sgd! And so I thought of getting it! and the deal is actually in conjunction with an IT Fair- Comex last weekend at Expo! The family thus, went down to expo and uhuh compare the prices to find out that it costs 608sgd at Comex!

I even went to Courts, Samsung store and Comex to try out the camera lol! And have already troubled the store assistants to help me in that... and after every tries, Ill end up saying, "oh ok..." and siam! (siam means to go away)

Then... I bought it from Groupon! As much as the internet bashes about Groupon... the company in Singapore seems to do better than those being bashed... Ive been purchasing quite a few items from the website in fact... Maybe just be alert and think before purchasing online?

Anyway, after purchasing on last Thursday, according to the web it states to deliver in 7 days. I supposed it meant within 7 days as well :) So i waited... till Groupon sent a text message on the delivery of the good yesterday! it says to deliver the good today! didnt expect them to send the message! but the system can be done better if they were to include the delivery time together with the date... cos we cant just wait at home the whole day for that delivery right? but well, at least they did send a message cos I really thought we have to track the good online! (which we have to, of course)

Reached home just in time for the delivery aunty to knock on our door!

hi new love!

Still charging it! hahah played with the zoom lens hahah damn cool and other functions! like slow mo lol! and beauty face!

This marks the third camera! lol aside Lomo and Instax!

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