Tuesday 10 September 2013

Togi Korean BBQ (Cuisine) and Retreat

the Secondary school lovelies went to Togi Korean Restaurant yesternight! They have 2 outlets (i think) Mosque street and TripleOne Somerset 2nd floor (NOT 313) and we went to the TripleOne!

Story first begin that, Iris and I booked a table with them... And I thought its just me and her cos no replies from Jiayin and Jean said she couldnt make it :( I admit, got the sian half feeling but Iris is a sweet girl! So dinner with just me and her should go fine and interesting too!

Below is the google maps!

And Im late... she booked 730pm but I only reached at 8pm :/ and I couldnt recognise the shopping mall! Cos... no big names citing its TripleOne! So... I actually walked past the mall till I reached TripleOne's parking lot... it states "TripleOne parking lot" =.= then I realised it is... and walked back to the entrance

Iris whatsapped me this when I was on the train.. she said we are sharing tables cos a lot of people... but ah you see the background. Empty tables leh!

  and I reached the place to find 2 familiar backview... its jiayin and jean. UGH LIE TO ME?!!? But heh its more of happy to angry la lol

So we made our orders! Army Stew (Bu Dae Ji Gae) and a seafood pancake!

The sides that you can refill for free! They offer hot water, cold water, korean tea (tasted like Brown rice) hot and cold for free too... can be refilled :) finally feeling Korea-ish

little yummy porridge for all!

Army Stew

I think it costs around 30+ for this... slightly on the pricey side BUT A LOT OF HAM AND SAUSAGES! its like really in Korea! BUT AGAIN, the soup doesnt taste like in Korea... Mild spicy and the taste... cant really describe... its just different.

There's story to why its called the Army Stew... And I just got to know yesterday from Jean! cos in Army, they ate from canned food... like ham/sausages etc so they threw all their canned food into a big stew and tada! Army's Stew

Seafood Pancake! 

oh my gawd yumz!!! its much better than the one I tried in Hyehwa! the seafood pancake was already nice in Korea! its even better in this restaurant! MUST TRY! but quite pricey also... 18sgd HAHHA anyhow, I always prefer seafood pancake to kimchi pancake... not that I dont like kimchi (I like it!) its just weird to mix kimchi and pancake together. thats what I feel la

And we drop the Ramyun in!

In interior!


Iris and Jean went to the counter as you can see above where the Coca Cola fridge is, to get some water... Didnt think much then... And I talked with Jiayin lol 

Just then, the music changed into some kiddish happy birthday song! and the 2 brought in a little cheesecake baked by Miss Jean the Pastry Chef! wha! Surprise much!! Like i didnt expect them to come, neither did I expect this!

Photos taken by Jiayin! And brightened by her! lol

Miss Jiayin!

read your message liao la! So touched please! :')

Iris girl!

Thanks for coordinating!!

Miss Chef!

Loving the cake!

clearing the food HAHHA

 And end! we took bus home together!


A day before this, on a Sunday, I went to our first SIMSD CIC retreat!

6 large pizzas for 10!!! WHAAAAA fat die us lol!

Hope everyone involved had fun and enjoyed!

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