Tuesday 24 September 2013

Seoul Day 13- Chang Deok Goong, Bukchon Hanok

We alighted at Anguk Station! (very near our school)

To CDG: Anguk Station exit 3

To Bukchon Hanok: Anguk Station exit 2 or getting from CDG, the route to the hanoks are beside CDG!

To personal taste hanok: follow the map! hahah its kinda confusing at a junction... essentially u should find yourself near the high school, follow a slope beside and also, u shd see a kpop shop round the corner owned by an ahjumma.

Ive highlighted directions to Bukchon hanok in purple and Personal Taste hanok in red... so for the following continuing directions, those will be highlighted in their respective colours!

Breakfast at Paris Baguette! Yanxin was with us since Day 12 night! she joined us after the gangname express bus since she worked near the area! and stayed overnight with us at Hyehwa! and Day 13 is a saturday! :)

This is much worthy than the omelette Ive showed in earlier post! for the same price! 2 pancakes, 1 hashbrown, 2 sausages.

First stop! Chang Deok Gung!

sandy entrance

ticketing counter outside the palace!

I think it costs a mere 3000won to enter the palace (no tour guide) and a further of 5000won for the secret garden tour (with tour guide)!

taking pictures of the interior while waiting for yanxin to deposit her bolster in the locker! bolster cos she stayed overnight with us la

the entrance from the inside of the palace!

somewhat similar to gyeongbok palace! u have to cross the dried "river"... signify purity.

oh! and before the secret garden tour (for around 2 hours? i forgot how long!!) we decided to settle in one air-conditioned place with some cold drinks! and rest! cos the weather was really super hot! but cooling

Entrance of the secret garden! its within the palace! this tour is really hiking hills so... be prepared! i.e. proper footwear, and hydrate yourself! and dont be late for the tour! tour comes in English, Chinese and Japanese i think!

Buyong Lake! in chinese hanyu its furong. in english, its lotus! not the same as the one we saw on rooftop prince leh :(

we were given time to explore around the lake, and take pictures! sometime, the tour guide has no time so cant really take a lot of photos at some locations!

bu lao men! means longevity or not getting old! thats if you pass the gantry! lol

said to have 2 pavillions... the another one is the reflection!

chang le men! always happy door! lol direct translation! anyway, the older generation of koreans do read chinese words but they dont read it out as chinese nor do they understand chinese... they understand the chinese characters but read it out in korean.

make a guess what that for?

answer: its for them to ride their horses! a stepping stone!

there you go! the hiking! lol

the stone wall near the tour guide in hanbok is a small waterfall... she said people with good qualities see it as a magnificent waterfall. hmmm

small rice paddy

chimney detached from the kitchen!

here is where we are nearing the end of the tour! we have the choice of exiting the palace or continue our own tour in the palace! and chose the latter! hehe

ancient well!

flower 5 LOL

a toddler I saw in the palace!! so gwiyobda!!

the locker place to keep your bulky belongings!

on our way to Bukchon Hanok from CDG. its just along the road between Anguk to CDG! and on our way there, we saw a peaceful protest by the workers infront of a building! i think thats a bank!

we were a little famished from the workout so we settled at a restaurant for lunch!


this is 2 servings only leh omg... in singapore Sarang... army stew for 2 servings you get MUCH MUCH lesser than what you see here................................................... omg can i fly back already?!

there are mandu too! omg for 7000won! like 8+sgd SO MUCH SO MUCH!! cant contain my excitement lol

<Continue> to personal taste hanok: after the slope, you shd find yourself along a road... spot the clinic hanok below... its across the road... after which facing the clinic, turn to your right. some point in time, you should see a slope with a guard post (u can ask the guards! lol that's what we did) then continue to walk up till you find yourself located near a country's embassy semi-detached.

this is the road to personal taste after the guard post!


lemme copy leeminho! lol

we wanted to find the observatory to get great views from the hill of hanoks! but we were told to go to this place below by a local to get more accessible and good views too!

you will need this map! we followed the directions and got to the foot of the hill! and we still got lost as to where's the station lol so we asked a lot of the locals majority of the teenagers and more often than not, they fished out their phones and help to find the place via gps/map apps! so nice right!

i mean in singapore, you just get people saying "ah i think walk towards here la" whether they know the place. or people, who are bochup or really not sure, they just go, "i dont know" or just walk off with ear plugged totally ignoring your existence.

walaoeh why like that?! etude house!!

we got to somewhere near insadong lol MISS LEE CAFE!

insadong is really vibrant! i mean most places in seoul are quite vibrant in fact! a lot of street performances!

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