Monday 2 September 2013

Birthday 2013!

This year marks the year with the most number of birthday cakes eaten. whoa! <3

Celebrated with Family on the 29th. Celebrated with IKK girls on the 30th. Celebrated with the ITAC peeps before NDP Celebration on the 31st. And celebrated with the lovely girls on the 1st Sept. 4 days!

Wished for good health in our family, get a job that I have passion in, world peace, growth of my siblings.

Durian cake from mum n papa!!

Little surprise from the sister! My craving satisfied! hahaha

Hazelnut cake! v yummy! Thanks Mujin!! the IKK girls after mtg! :)

before post ndp celebration! after the last sim-itac IM review :)

C2!! after the post ndp celebration! Thanks for the birthday song! hahah

Crunchy cake bought from Polar, by lovely yellow and lovely Doraemon :))

<3 xoxo


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