Monday 23 September 2013

Seoul Day 12- Express Bus Terminal

as usual! Days without korean class, we will head out to shop and tour Seoul! Day 12, we went to... OPPA GANGNAM STYLE!~ hhahaha express bus terminal! Its not at the gangnam station though! its a station of its own called express bus terminal! once u alight from the subway, do check the direction board! its in English! so follow the exit and u should find yourself in a place full of shops (some exits u will find yourself in some brown bricked building with shops... its the express bus terminal already! explore further u shd find shops in shopping mall i forgot what its called already >< )

Below is the pricing of some facial products I took from Hyehwa's aritaum!

Iope i got for around 46,000won after 40% discount~ for my mum!

I got the skin refiner esp for dark spots! around 23,000won!

Oh! and this was my lunch! hahah skku gave us this for free! some traditional ricecake and sikkhye a rice drink which I didnt get =.= i heard its some artificial sweetened drink though... comes in a yellow can!

the ricecake isnt very much appealing though :/


On our way to express bus! Yihui the atas, xiuhui the euija chingu cross!, wenjing my travel plus room mate!, yuxuan the jyj fan!

And lastly... the humble me! LOL

we had lunch at some mall! a photo to show you their free service!
In Korea,
1) you will have free tissue to use usually placed in a box on the table or hung up on the wall near your seat.
2) they have water dispenser. both cold and warm("ta seut han mul" not the correct romanization but thats how you pronounce it! learnt this phrase from the busan ahjummas! hehehe they are so cute when they said that! with the busan accent!) you just get the cups inside the sterilizer machine you see. then get the water!
3) no fork. only spoon and chopstick. and those are already placed on the table inside a box!
4) you pay after you had your meals! (but there are some that requires you to pay first!)
5) u will have side dishes usually 3! NOT NECCESSARILY KIMCHI. but usually, u will have kimchi! hahah if u dont like, can exchange! side dishes are free! some other side dishes are rolled eggs which are heavenly!, sesame seeds? me no likey though
6) sometimes... you get free service from the owner! e.g. free porridge, soup, steamed egg etc
7) u can refill your side dishes for free!

this was the shopping mall I talked about! this was taken on our way back to dorm! didnt understand why we headed back so fast... so did we continued to shop around other side of the express bus terminal?!

below is the namecard of the cheap facial products shop that sells laneige and other goods! (at wholesale price)

express bus terminal is huge! my korean friend said she even got lost in it! hahah its really shopping heaven la! u will see clothes priced at 5000won or 4900won(at bu-pyeong though not reccommended to go that far for only slightly cheaper clothes cos the price and clothes are somewhat the same as u see in Express Bus and Ehwa!)

I suggest u plan your itinerary well so u can compare between prices for clothes u like! cos there are instances where we spot the clothes we bought at a much lower prices!!! thats own stabbing moment lol... however also there are some point in time where we saw clothes priced at a higher range than we bought! like a total difference of more than 10,000won!

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