Monday 9 September 2013

Seoul Day 8- Ehwa Womans Univ and Fashion Street!

Ehwa to the beautiful univ!
from Hyehwa Station Exit 4, there's a bus stop beside Baskin Robbins! And it has bus that goes to Ehwa! I forgot which number was that... poor memory :(

Getting There:
Ewha can be accessed via Subway (Ewha Women’s University station, Line 2, Exit 2/3

Our Lunch around school area!

Map from the guide book we brought to Korea! (Get free from KTO Singapore)

 And so we got onto the bus!

You have to tap in when you boarded the bus and tap out when you alight!
Its like the SMRT bus in Singapore, it announces the next stop!
And yes, you have to press the bell to signal the bus stopping!

At a traffic stop... What was hidden behind the signboard was the Statue of a guard

tada! Revealing him!

I quite love this photo... Cos you can see that guard guarding the King (King Sejong) who is situated infront of the Gyeong Bok palace. And the palace is infront of the Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae). And ending the portrait, you will see a huge mountain behind everything else

After around 10-15mins, we have reached the bus stop! The bus stop is in the middle of the road and we walked around and walked according to the map's direction... along the streets towards Ehwa univ.

And we got... Icecream! First try!

Walk on further... 

Initially we felt a little awkward to be taking photo of the school logo at the gate and walking into the school compound... but... we are tourist anyway! it doesnt kill to take a few touristy shots! Thank goodness we are ladies, otherwise it will/may be even more awkward for guys to enter the univ surrounded by women hahhah oh well, its summer vacation! So... summer exchange is going on too in Ehwa Womans Univ. There are guys studying in Ehwa for the exchange lol

what happened behind the scene was...

 afterwhich, we went to another side of the streets where the more shops are located!! heaven!! so cheap! I even met my jc friend there! and... we had good buys and cheap stuff!!

posing with the Shara Mannequins

 We had our dinner at Black Smith beside Ehwa Womans Univ! 

while waiting...


I would love to study in such beautiful campus! SKKU is just of another stylee~ hahaha

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