Saturday 28 September 2013

Seoul Day 23 (Tues)- Study Day and Dorm Gathering

We have our korean class so as usual no faraway travels! We intended to study this day cos exam is nearing! Who knows, we went to Seoul Station's Lotte Mart instead! hahhaha

Been to Seoul Station for many times but we didnt really explore outside the station! so here it is!

just as we took this photos, theres a uncle peeing at the side of the older building =.= ugh

after buying back all the food that serve as souvenirs and to be eaten back in Singapore (we shipped back those packaged food lol) we gathered our dorm friends (i.e. the usual cliques) for dinner delivery at my dorm! we love hosting in overseas! hahahh its really fun! and we always wanted to try delivery!!

We always have those advertisement brochure stuck outside our dorm door (its electronical lock!) so we picked them up and called one of those delivery eateries!!

Yihui the atas making the phone call cos Im too cowardy hahahah

The delivery man came up to our door step shortly! with his helmet, and the metal box you see on Korean shows! yes! it is exactly like that! hehehhe utensils are provided! and food are nicely wrapped up in plastic film!

Ended up we ordered too much lol and for all of us, i think it costs us about slightly more than 10,000won per person.

not a lot? we have 5 people. And this was for 18 servings LOL checked with our korean housing assistant

its really yummy! omg

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