Saturday 28 September 2013

Seoul Day 25- Hyehwa Fruity Day!

Reason for this title is that... in Korea, fruits are super expensive!!!

The yakult or Yogurt is super cheap! and smaller than the one in Singapore. its not exactly yakult or vitagen, but its something like that! 1300won for 5 bottles! thats like a bottle for less than sgd20cents?

the place where I had my class! B2! the level where this photo was taken is Level 1! the super small black tee guy u see at the end is the level i had my class! and that area is where the guys smoke lol

we are penning our messages on the free postcard to be mailed back free to Singapore!

the wrapped box u see above contains a tumbler! thats skku tumbler! and I got that cos I exchange one of my tour ticket into this bottle.

How this work: you have 3 tours! so u will have 3 tickets! First, gyeong bok palace, museum and nanta. Second, to national folk museum and taekwondo performance. Lastly, to mud festival. NO LOTTE WORLD FOR MY BATCH. >:(

So i exchanged the mud festival ticket for the bottle cos Im not interested in the mud fest... supposed to be a fun activity and rare opportunity for tourist! but then... its kinda dirty and dangerous

Anyway, later during the mud festival day that we got to know due to the heavy rain mud festival was cancelled and students who went were brought to lotte world instead! good and bad! hahah some actually prefer mud festival! some already went lotte world (like my friends did, so they went twice) so its abit sian for them

and... we went to tour the old compound again! HAHAHHA

afterwhich we went to the underground mart near school! near olive young, to get some grocery! and watermelon!!! they charge us for using their plastic bag... so we brought our own! who knows we purchased too many things! and watermelon cant fit in! and... it was raining... so I had to hug the watermelon like a little baby and handcarry the plastic bags and holding onto the umbrella...

too much for me and wenjing! so we shared with neighbours!

Later in the day, before korean class, we packed things to be shipped back to singapore!

Xiuhui super experienced! hahaha so we learnt from her!

WJ and I skipped our korean lesson! hehhehee we went out to have our pancake craving settled!

Kimchi and seafood pancake! I prefer the seafood to normal to kimchi pancake!

and 2 pancakes seriously too much for the both of us... we tabao the kimchi pancake leftover home! (takeaway no charges!)

free service!! steamed egg! so nice!!!!!!

after that, we passed by the new balance outlet in hyehwa!
As my sport shoes were spoilt, I thought of getting another one in korea since its cheaper than in singapore! but still I was caught in a dilemma as to getting it or not... and which to get... hahahahha

I entered the store so many times (in different days) that I actually feel the store assistant knows me! LOL

In the end, I got a pair of shoes from new balance! the design is neither of those above lol! for 90,000won! Hyehwa outlet does not have the receipt for airport tax refund. so they will refund u on the spot which is good! save the hassle!

We head to MangoSix for some patbingboo!! hahaha

mangosix's mango is so much better than the tous les jours!

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