Saturday 28 September 2013

Korea Day 21 to Petite France!

As you've seen in the previous post Day 20, I actually planned to go Petit France and Nami Island! In the end Nami Island was cancelled and we went only Petit France... Kinda disappointing but what to do... 

Here are we posing with the Hyehwa Subway sign! aww our lovely hyehwa :(

When it comes to more aventurous stuff like venturing out of Seoul, the 3 of us are always together! hehhe like this day and during Busan! Paju however was with Atas Yihui instead!

It wasnt raining when we board train at Hyehwa... when on our way there we had to change to the Gyeong Chun line... There are express and standard train! So we were kinda confused as to which train to board... express as it suggests, is fast! So ended up, we checked with the officer and he said Express train is not operating! So ok... we took the standard train... it isnt very slow la... timing difference is pretty minimal... but then, as we board the train after a few stops, we see HEAVY RAIN! super huge like some typhoon came by. You cant even see the mountains and greens... its just grey-ish outside the cabin... pretty scary... so I chanted to have really good weather or at least not be so heavy! We reached Gapyeong station, tapped out to realise it is still raining :( we had to seek shelter in the station...

We even came up with a backup plan for the day if the rain continues... we will go Coex to shop! hahahha just then, the rain got smaller and we went opposite to the bus stop to check out the shuttle bus!

we went across this road. but the shuttle bus doesnt stop here!

you will see this board outside the Gapyeong station! says the timing for the shuttle bus! beside this, is a tourist centre tended by a few koreans who can speak english! There are brochures of the various attractions in  multiple languages in the centre too! no worries!

On the bus... we paid 5000won?

bus driver and the tour guide for the bus infront of me! she speaks english! and she only introduces the attractions, also announces the bus stops, and do not follow us into the attractions.

it was raining so heavily that Nami Island ferry service was down! so no Nami Island :((((((((((((

The blue sign is the parking lot for Nami Island!!

Can u see the brownish flood? with the white car stuck in the middle of the pool? lol infront was the water gushing down from the top of the moutain/hill... people were wearing boots and some slippers walking across the pool of muddy waters... using their broom to sweep away the water... like it helps =.=

And... reached!! You will see the petit france before the bus stop so no way you miss the stop! it stops as the same side as the structure!

The entrance from the inside of the structure!! Spot the little windows at the level 1... those are the ticketing counter! Get a map, fish out your camera and go snapping!

some kids painting room...

There are guesthouses!!

this is how the bus looks like!

how the bus stop looks like!

bbq!!!!!! yummmmm i like the egg!!!

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