1. I used to hate waters. So... I detest swimming. But... I love bathing!
2. I like to sit near the bell in the bus. With the new WAB, I love love love to sit at the 3rd row. :) Cos my legs are short.
3. I like to talk to myself pretending to be two different person.
4. I love the number 4. Because thats my index number ever since primary 1 till secondary 4.
5. I always stand on the left side of the escalator.
6. I only have 1 record of me not sleeping for 2days. And thats during Sec4 O levels mugging period.
7. I can slim and get fat easily.
8. I love August! Cos Im a August baby! And National Day falls on August. So Aug babies have priviledges in this month!
9. I dislike bittergourd. They will NEVER go down my throat.
10. My handwriting sucks. Very.
11. Im viewing the world at the height of 153cm.
12. I have chicken pox like scar on my left hand due to allergy when I was young :(
13. I used to be very gullible, cheated by my friends. Not anymore!
14. I only have ONE best friend in primary school. And, I was possessive then. I didnt like my best friend to talk to others. lol?
15. I bullied my primary 6 buddy when I got enrolled into my primary school. ><
16. Im easily jealous of people flaunting ANYTHING! (when I was in kindergarden) HAHHA Even SBS bus ticket also want.
17. I love crowds when I was young like 2years old. Then, as I grow older, I began to get more closed up in my own world...
18. I am a Nokia owner ever since Sec2 when I owned my very first non-camera Nokia phone. And, Im proud of being loyal to Nokia!
19. I finish the food I bought. Not even tiny bits are left on the plate/wrapper.
20. I have sinus. Whats new?
21. I had asthma. And had asthma attack.
22. I don't believe in God, deities, immortals, ghosts, spirits.
23. I love my life.
24. I secretly wanted to become an actress/singer.
25. My goal in life is to travel to all the places in the world. Especially, Africa.
26. Im an imperfect perfectionist.
27. I cry a lot. I can cry easily. Gimme 3secs. hahah no la, 10secs will do.
28. Im very fickle-minded. I can agree to go out a week ago then last minute cancel/postpone.
29. I can split. Not spit. I cant spit.
30. Somehow Im very organised when my schedule and things on table, but Im very messy with my grooming and my... bag. hahhah