Wednesday 31 August 2011

Day 19- Disrespecting your Parents

Making fun of them. Slapping their face lightly thinking that its fun and joke even though you meant no harm. Feeling inferior/embarrassed in school when your parents go to your school. Having the mindset of throwing them out of house. Retorting back when punished. Thinking that they are such a chore especially when they begin to get older and memory lost. Thinking that they are so troublesome. They are so naggy how I wish to shut them off. Thought of running away from home. Not studying hard. Wounding yourself, not taking care of the body they gave you. Committing Suicide for love?!?!. NOT LISTENING TO THEM (I mean, listen to the correct things. Please be able to discern between the wrong and right). etc

As long as you are not loving them like you ought to, you are disrespecting the ones who gave birth to you. And, you are selfish. No matter how they treat you, you cannot change the fact that you are their child. Please please please love them like how they took care of you when you were born, how they paid extra care to the fragile foetus in the mummy's womb. Have that sense of gratitude for your parents before its all too late...


Tuesday 30 August 2011

Happy Birthday to myself

Stayed out yesterday and had a blast. And I really mean a BLAST. Cos my family went to Cineleisure to attend the On The Fringe Fan Meet (teen casts), the crowd was massive and so chaotic to the extent that they had to cancel it due to artistes safety purposes. :/ Nonetheless, Ive took a few videos of them and caught a few glimpses of all the casts. Didnt get too near like those little kiddos though. Oh yes! And given my age, I think, Im the few old ones over there other than the shop owners, the guards, Pat Mok, my aunt n my mum and... Ian Fang (yes, he's older than me) The rest? Confirm plus chop young kids ranging from my youngest cousin 5 to say... 18? Squeezed into the crowd just to take the videos yesterday and was squashed eventually. And literally, kenna buried by people around me lol Had no choice and feeling arm and neck aching that I had to retreat!

Ian Fang aka Jason Liu

From left to right:
Kimberly Chia aka Ah Ya and Elizabeth Lee aka Joey

From left to right:
Patricia Mok (Mediacorp artiste to control the crowd) and Edwin Goh aka Zhi Yong

From left to right:
Yi Da aka Tomato (fricking cute right! hahha) and Gabriel aka Ah Dong (paiseh! kenna blocked)

Then, had dinner at 313.

Afterwhich, meet jiayin n girls!

Thats a Cuppucino that made my stomach went mad.
Multiple 16shots! taken by laoyin
laoyin and myself! You know my photog skills sucks like one king.

And... Im secretly hoping something. hehehehheheheh done my research! Im way too short la. :( Any ways to grow taller???

Oh yea, no Zoo today :/ Jolin is using the same waterbottle as my family! HAHAHHAHA found it randomly on her Fanclub's weibo. real awesome! and yes, I HAVE GOTTEN HER BOOK! :))) HAPPY LIKE A KID

Monday 29 August 2011

Great Monday

Unbelievable sights, Indescribable feeling.
Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky.
A whole new world with you...


Out to town later! Meeting up with my aunt and a family outing! Catching the kids in On the Fringe. And... I expect that there will whole loads of humans over there. haa? Hate crowds. Really. ah whatever, im gonna make sure that i work hard in taking photos. pretty photos that is. Im seriously in need of someone to teach me how to fricking snap nice pictures!

Tell me, why pianos are so costly?! Intending to get a second hand electric piano, not those upright pianos. And then... Ill try to practise on it now that I can read the notes and understood the musical terms. I play the classical guitar by the way. Gonna attempt grade 3-5 real soon! prolly after these few days of... CELEBRATION! celebrate my birthday, results and... HARI RAYA! LOL (Im not malay.)

Okay, so... yup! most likely gettin my book later on in Orchard, and will see if time allows me to go roaming around the streets and hit the shops. And then, meetup with my favorite girls! :D heeeee

What to say? I cant really say Miley Cyrus doesnt know how to sing. At least her voice is kinda... unique? hhaha And if you're saying singing and refering to Beyonce or Charice. Then I tell you, your definition of singing is toooooo high-notch. Many current mandopop singers cant reach that expectation of yours. So... lets be objective!

Day 18- your beliefs

Nothing is impossible. If only you believe.

Some may see how I view life as being optimistic but, I think my view goes beyond being plainly optimistic. It is the courage to face all obstacles. Being optimistic could be escaping from the reality and still being happy-go-lucky. I will definitely be upsetted by the problems depending which type, but my determination and courage keep me going. I will face the problems and make full use of it and change it from a bad situation to a good one! Nothing is ever deadlocked. And i believe, all things that happened, happens for a reason. Sometimes, I may seen to be too paranoid or think too much. Its true! I go beyond surface. But not to the extent of being unreasonable.


Choosing units are such a chore! Dilemma!

Sunday 28 August 2011

black colour eyeliner with long walking stick

I guess sooner or later, I have to reformat my whole laptop :( Thinking of the first day when we welcome it to our house, I was so careful of it. Till today. Drastic Change. I said not to download nonsense, true I didnt download nonsense, but there are times when I download movies/software then uninstall again lol. Need to clear the files already. :(

Dear Laptop,

You have served me well. Thank you. Love.

your notorious owner

Just logged into my previous wordpress blog and was surprised by the number of viewers. like a few times higher than this space? And, what I wanted to say is, thank you guys. For your support despite me not posting any updates on it ever since 3months ago. Its really coolzxz to read up past posts. How extreme I used to be, how stupid, how dreamy how it all changes/changed. meh alrightaye! WORKINGGGG

Will not be getting that oven. Cos my current small little oven is good enough! :) Urge to buy durian puffs/crepe and uhm MAGNUM ICECREAM LATER! after work la

PS: dont ask me whats up with that title. lol Im just too random. Ideas from 'If I had you' by Mr Lambert.


Day 17- Your highs and lows of the past year

Im free. Im freed.

And that would be from 28 Aug 2010 till today, exactly 1year.

1. Getting not bad results in Uni.
2. Did a few baking projects
3. Finally working. lol. And earning considerably good hourly pay, i.e. Tuition.
4. Can feel my good fortune workin!
5. Joined Council and got to know awesome people and had a few great moments together.
6. got accepted into Council.

1. Kinda lost count of the timings and dates, yog ended.
2. Just started school in SIM since 25 Aug. lol And no friends I know. (But you know, Im elaine, so... I got to know new pengyou! lol pretty fast)

Not much of the lows though, cos Im happy Elaine. HAHHA
Working later on! So yeap! Not going to gimme good time to think about nonsense. Just focus on doing good can already! And, Im not gonna stalk :P ahha yes, I stalked. bewareeeeee


Saturday 27 August 2011

Lovable Sister

My sister is super cute.

My dad came home after voting for the Tan President.
Sister: dad! who did you vote for?
mum: you guess!
sister: hmm same as you?
mum: no la. another one.
sister: ahh ok... good good as long as its not the one who proposed girls should go NS.

Cos, she's studying in Poly right now. And, if the president is elected and proposal is approved, my sister's graduating year is just right/in time to register into tekong. HAHAHHAHAH LAUGH AT HER.

Day 16- Your views on Mainstream Music

Refer to this
Good to a certain extent. Like I said media is somehow bias even music. The way things are propagated e.g. National Day theme songs they propagate the patriotism in all citizens. Therefore, mainstream music consist of songs that are widely accepted by the people. Opposing subcultures music.
Doing 2 challenges per day. Cos its getting nowhere?

Day 15- your favorite Tumblrs

I dont have any favorite tumblrs. I just happen to tumble upon tumblrs! hahah to kope pretty pictures :P

Friday 26 August 2011

Day 14- Your earliest memory

When I stayed at my Granny's House, sleeping in the cot. lol Building good relationship with my dearest uncle plus godfather, my granny and my great granny. :( I miss my granny and great granny. miss them a lot a lot.

When in Childcare, yes I was sent to childcare, kena totured by the Principal. I will remember this for life unless I lost my mind or lost my memory. She is a skinny and tall lady. She is already quite haggy and shag and old when I had memory of her. She called me into her office, that is dark and a ceiling fan turning at a slow pace (those scary/horror movie). And, for some reason she claimed to cut off my ears using a scissors and she flashed the scissors infront of me. Thank you very much, I was still 2 years old then. Thanks for this 'great' memory. So... In any occassion when I had to pass by that childcare centre I hated that childcare smell. That smell's supposed to belong to those cute little innocent babies, pure smell, but thanks to this woman that this smells SUCKS. Overall, I really detest that centre. If I were to have any children, I WONT SEND THEM TO CHILDCARE CENTRE. Caring principal and teachers are bullsh*t. Their way of publicity to attract more goondus.

I love the way my dad piggyback me whenever I fell asleep in his car. HAHAHHA ever since, I love sleeping in his car, cos Ill not need to walk from carpark to home in that case! hahahh only until I grew older and heavier that my parents cant carry me anymore. hehehhehehe fatty bombom.
Im not gonna change for the sake of others. No one can ask me to change, including you. Ill change in my own accord. powderful me. Mighty and courageous, I am.


Thursday 25 August 2011

Tell me

Tell me please, what do you like in a girl/woman?
Looks? Dressing up? Grooming? Make up? Studies? Career? Personality? Mindset? what?

Is it true that if a guy will acceptable all the flaws in a woman if he really likes her?
Myth Busted?

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 13- Somewhere you would like to move or visit.

Im very satisfied to where Im living in right now. My home in Singapore and Singapore my home. Some critics may say that Singapore really do fairly well in inculcating Singapore Spirit in the students. But only, SOME students, Ill say. Because out there, are many more people who are 'giving' up in Singapore and giving reasons like "not firming its roots in the soil that doesnt want it". Apparently, they are very much affected by the FTs. Not that Im not affected, all of us do. Just that the impact is not great enough now, for me to really feel it.

As told, Ive always wanted to travel. To see things outside the place Im staying in. To find/learn more insights rather than learning it from the media/education (which maybe bias at times). And of course, I enjoy traveling to exotic places. And first of all, I would want to go Japan. For studies. Further studies after my degree/honours in Singapore. But money will be an issue. Crucial, heavy factor. Standard of living in Japan aint low. Its in fact, very high, like up there. This, Ill need to think of it to weigh the pros and cons.
A side note, yesterday Ive gotten my results. Checking it online after a day's work and after much dilemma as to postponing to check it (but well, have it check it sooner or later and its not like im very free nowadays. so might as well, do it now. once and for all.) results are as of below...

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Day 12- Bullet your whole day

Woke up at 6am due to insomnia and work. Got to travel all the way to the west for guitar enrichment, and I have to conduct the lesson today! :/ And insomnia because results releasing soon. Stress stress... And then, after work, camped infront of the lappy at home till now plus watching TV shows. Waiting for results and tuition. Thats about it. scary day. Judgement Day. Oh yes! Was fiddling with Piano in that school just now lol and gotta feeling to get a electric standup piano yamaha :) but thats not going to be cheap.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Day 11- Put your iPod on shuffle and write 10 songs that pop up

1. I don't love you by MCR

2. Oh by SNSD

3. 如果能在一起 Ru Guo Neng Zai Yi Qi by 梁静如Fish Leong

4. 我爱的人Wo Ai De Ren by 林侑加Yoga Lin
(Used to Favorited this song hahah)

5. 我的依赖Wo De Yi Lai by 蔡依林Jolin
(still loving this song. MV shoots a Wedding scene :) )

6. Destiny by Jim Brickman
(Used to be my top1 and blog song. Super nice! Still recommended!)

7. Long Shot by Kelly Clarkson
(Noose on the neck and someone pulled it tighter.)

8. Nobody by Wondergirls
(For this song to appear in a shuffle list is quite rare I guess? The song that shoots Wondergirls to fame.)

9. Im only me when Im with you by Taylor Swift

10. 传说Chuan Shuo by 刘力杨Jade Liu and 林侑加Yoga Lin
(<3 still very much liking this song!)

Saturday 20 August 2011

Day 10- Discuss you first love and first kiss

I supposed this means the first mutual love? But sadly, I dont have any. Hmm or should I write, luckily instead? heheh Anyway, so first love Im gonna take it as my first puppy love. lol That happened long long long long time ago when Elaine was 5. LOL joking. When Elaine was primary5, she 'fell in love' with a little boy who is super clever (he is still very clever right now), super sporty (indeed very good in badminton) and he was the class-monitor. Aiya, like those perfect 10 boy la. Perhaps, the only flaw is he is not rich but well, I was young to know whats poor or rich and that he is a little girly(I really hope he doesnt know that Im writing bout him). And I CONFESSED! HAHHAHAHAHA omg I didnt imagine how on earth I got this bloody courage to confess! And, as he was rushing home (he is always so in a rush), he didnt reply me... So... I take it as I was rejected :( SAD

Hmm mmm first kiss. With my mum? with my dad? with my siblings? with my girlfriends? Hhahaha I know you people are just being gossipy and kpo right! First kiss... with a guy! haha too bad, none of such thing! :P

And I think first kiss really mean a tonne of value or priceless if you had that with your first love. And that your first love, is still your only love and your current and forever love. Like cliche I know.

Thats quite saddening to see your friend who turns into your partner (i mean, this is kinda sweet at first). Then, you even had that slight moment that he/she could be your life-long partner. And, bad things strike, you guys broke up and went separate ways. But, still having each others' profile in Facebook. Learning each other's present life and how they are doing. Seeing one of which's relationship status changes from single to its complicated to in a relationship with blah blah, and followed by a string of news feed filled up with their <3 Album. Sad right! (haha okay, i think the aftermath feeling depends on how you guys ended it) Then, even awkward! When you are still single, walking along the street and bump into your ex and his/her new partner! sia la. GOOD GAME!

And somehow, Ive got the power! lol. I ever tried this many times and it happened! Like, when Im outside, on a bus or alone or something my mind tend to drift off to somewhere like thinking of someone. Someone could be my friend, girl friend or boy friend, to relatives. Just keep thinking, and I BUMP INTO THEM! LOL THIS IS TRUE. 100% ACCURACY. JUST KEEP THINKING LOL sometimes I feel Im psychic or what.

Friday 19 August 2011

Day 09- How you hope your future will be like.


I hope that I will get to travel a lot. To Africa, Cambodia, India, Taiwan, Korea, UK, Europe like Vernice, Paris, Italy, China fuzhou, Hong Kong hahhahah

I hope that I will get to open to shop ;) keep my fingers crossed. -CONFIDENTIAL-

I hope that I will get the results that I wanted. First Class Honours!

I hope I will be a better friend, a better daughter, a better sister, a better tutor, a better instructor, a better dont-know-what haha

I guess everyone wants good/best things in life, even for those who seemingly have already given up on their life. The first smallest simple step is to dream, to daydream. Then, put it into action! :)

Thursday 18 August 2011

Day 08- A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life

Probably, the first time I went on stage to receive Awards? Probably, the first time I stood up infront of the school/many people taking up a Leadership role? Probably, the first time that my students understood the topic which they were lousy at. Probably the time when I baked a at least edible cake/cookie/muffin. Or/And when my effort is recognised. That will be a 'want' by the way. Cos I think we shouldnt just work hard just to let others see, you are not living for others. Do it for the sake of its worthiness, and its value of doing it. Value does not neccessarily mean money returns per se (Like those working as a tutor/educational sector). It could be the value you learn and instill in others.

On the side note, some of the JJ Lin's songs are really inspirational? Perhaps more of refreshing?

With much love,

Wednesday 17 August 2011

day 07- your zodiac sign and if you think it fits your personality

She's darn cute. I cant take it.

western zodiac: Virgo love. yes. Perfectionist. But, Im yet to get there.
chinese zodiac: Goat. uhm, soft? lol

Usually Ill put Virgo under horoscope, but Ive came pass some website that writes 'horoscope' as Zodiac. So yea... Ill put both.

Good day!

Monday 15 August 2011

Day 06- write 30 interesting facts about yourself


1. I used to hate waters. So... I detest swimming. But... I love bathing!
2. I like to sit near the bell in the bus. With the new WAB, I love love love to sit at the 3rd row. :) Cos my legs are short.
3. I like to talk to myself pretending to be two different person.
4. I love the number 4. Because thats my index number ever since primary 1 till secondary 4.
5. I always stand on the left side of the escalator.
6. I only have 1 record of me not sleeping for 2days. And thats during Sec4 O levels mugging period.
7. I can slim and get fat easily.
8. I love August! Cos Im a August baby! And National Day falls on August. So Aug babies have priviledges in this month!
9. I dislike bittergourd. They will NEVER go down my throat.
10. My handwriting sucks. Very.
11. Im viewing the world at the height of 153cm.
12. I have chicken pox like scar on my left hand due to allergy when I was young :(
13. I used to be very gullible, cheated by my friends. Not anymore!
14. I only have ONE best friend in primary school. And, I was possessive then. I didnt like my best friend to talk to others. lol?
15. I bullied my primary 6 buddy when I got enrolled into my primary school. ><
16. Im easily jealous of people flaunting ANYTHING! (when I was in kindergarden) HAHHA Even SBS bus ticket also want.
17. I love crowds when I was young like 2years old. Then, as I grow older, I began to get more closed up in my own world...
18. I am a Nokia owner ever since Sec2 when I owned my very first non-camera Nokia phone. And, Im proud of being loyal to Nokia!
19. I finish the food I bought. Not even tiny bits are left on the plate/wrapper.
20. I have sinus. Whats new?
21. I had asthma. And had asthma attack.
22. I don't believe in God, deities, immortals, ghosts, spirits.
23. I love my life.
24. I secretly wanted to become an actress/singer.
25. My goal in life is to travel to all the places in the world. Especially, Africa.
26. Im an imperfect perfectionist.
27. I cry a lot. I can cry easily. Gimme 3secs. hahah no la, 10secs will do.
28. Im very fickle-minded. I can agree to go out a week ago then last minute cancel/postpone.
29. I can split. Not spit. I cant spit.
30. Somehow Im very organised when my schedule and things on table, but Im very messy with my grooming and my... bag. hahhah

Sunday 14 August 2011

Day 05- A time you thought about ending your own life

Okay I guess this question will be a void. cos... Im happy with my life ever since I was a foetus! lol? LOVE YOUR LIFE LIKE HOW I LOVE MY LIFE TOO! A life isnt easy to come by. You dont want to forsake this chance living as a human. Even though you might be paralysed, or crippled with dysfunctionality you shouldnt have the slight thought of giving up of your life! Lives are precious, look around you who are in a much deeper shit how strong are their minds and hearts! The strong will that kept them pushing on! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!


Friday 12 August 2011

day 04- your views on religion

Religion is a belief, in sociology thats an idealistic idealogy/character that is created by Man who is obviously flawed. To me, religion serves to bring happiness to all. Thats why you have a religion.



Thursday 11 August 2011

Day 03- Your views on drugs and alcohol

O wow. This topic gonna be a little sensitive?

Drugs are medicine to certain extent. They, however, should not be exploited and for certain 'medicine', those are totally banned and not supposed to be consumed. For the killer drugs, I dont understand why they are produced since they dont have even a slight advantage.

Alcohol, does that include wine? I think wine, beer and alcohol are okay to a limited extent. Meaning, consuming it is alright provided you are of the right age, have a fairly good immune (not a weak and super easily fall sick person la) system. uhm yea, and consume it at the right amount each time, and not be a frequent drinker. Because you wont like the hangover feel and you wont want to murder your body, would you? Ive heard that a few sips of red wine can help circulate blood. Beer is totally no good, but Id recommend carlsberg. thats more awesome than tiger beer. And uhm, shots, like those party/pub/club drinks? i.e. vodka, jagerbomb (thats ze bombz!), tequila shots. I like vodka peach best. Hey, Im not a drinker kay? Im just experiencing life's little perks. :)

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Day 02- Where you'd like to be in 10years.


In 10 years Ill be... exactly 30years old. Just passed half a decade. Had the ambition of becoming a teacher when I was young, and then, this 'dream' gradually changed/faded away as I grow up seeing listening and experiencing many things. Not viable. And, Earth knows, Im working in the educational industry right now! How life twists and turn. Im back to where I ambitioned 10yrs ago.

So... 10 years later, I was thinking to either stay as in this sector, or to move on to being a 9-5 worker. mehh haha Looking for some challenging/creative work though like economics? or events manager? hahah who knows! Well, thats for my work part. For my religion, I want to contribute even more! For the sake of humanity. love <3

Family and friends wise, Ill still be a cute/lovable fillial daughter and a kind/understanding/encourage-able friend! hahaha


Tuesday 9 August 2011

Day1- Your current relationship, if single discuss how single life is. 30 Days challenge!

Lets try this, cos' this is kinda cool? haha dont you agree with me?

Day 1- Yup, Single. (Y)

Single life is carefree. So much of the school work, own monthly paying job, family matters, friendship and perhaps religion activities. There are so many things to juggle, on top of that, being in a relationship. Wow, warrior yea? Of course, there are good side to be in a relationship e.g. sweetness till tooth ache. Not to forget that, relationship concern about 2 people. And sometimes, its not just the 2 involved parties, but their family as well. How tough? Relationship gets you happy till fly you to the moon, it can also drag you to hell. As for me, I'd rather focus on whats more important right now, studies yes, religion activities yes, family yes, and friends. Im in no hurry of getting SO MANY boyfriends/steady (like how the secondary school monkeys termed) and then when my husband asked me of my past ex-es 20fingers/toes wouldnt be enough to count.

On the side note, I think having one is not bad too. haha cos thats an experience anyway right! But then... some experience is just bad enough to not have it tasted e.g. taking drugs, smoking and clubbing, and to a certain extent, relationship? (you read/see people going crazy over a almost broken relationship with his/her partner. how pathetic.)

Manz, thats what happen to me during essay writing. I sidetrack a lot. So yea, CAREFREE LIKEA BIRD!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Go go the lazy town

Have you ever caught the show/cartoon/kids channel's Lazy Town? hahah thats quite a funny show with villain and hero and the 'villagers'. Kinda miss it though.

Bought the Swensen's 20 for 40bucks worth on groupon. I think Ive mentioned this in my previous post or the previous previous post. hahha was actually thinking when I can go down with my family until today! Today had a chat with my instructor, lol okay okay Im always chatting, regarding me turning 20! Like a soon only. last 1 month? :/ prolly spent that day working and celebrating with my lovelies. Anyone wants to jio me out on that day? hehheh and just realise, yea... only JUST, forTEEN, fifTEEN, nighTEEN, twenTY. tsk. no more teen alr? Hate the hard truth though. I guess many think this way. hahahah we gonna die anyway. So... live your live to the fullest! its cliche, but uhm thats kinda true and practical?

Went Hillgrove today and passed by a ITE at the west. ITS NICE AND BEAUTIFUL AND ULTIMATE HOW UNIVERSITY/POLY SHOULD LOOK LIKE futuristic blue print kinda building. Thats encouraging people who are already doing badly to go ITE? Cos for me, I personally thought of the probability that I might just end up in a ITE after Olevels before the results was released. ya know, Im too stressed up. So... Ive picked one ideal ITE to pursue! Somewhere in the east. I think, opposite the expo. cos its pretty? at least prettier than any JCs? (other than RJ, and perhaps HCJC and ACJC) our Garment has lost it man... Shouldnt they just feed more to those doing good, and are going to do even better.

And I really really HAVE TO PRACTISE MY GUITAR!!!! urgh

Monday 1 August 2011

yesterday, today and tomorrow

Loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg day today, yesterday and few days back. Its not as if Im working a boring 9-5 job. hehehehe So, I uhm, slept on bus and MRT wherever I go! hahah and whenever Im seated beside a window, when I was soundly asleep my head will just knock itself onto the window! hahahhaha and it will make a loud bang sound that annoys the passengers sitting infront of me :P *ouch my head* I think Im in love with sleeping on Public Transport?

FOD today! Was a gm, so... didnt have chance to mingle round with the freshies :( But then... looking in a positive light, I DONT NEED TO GO FOR OG MEETUPS! lol? ok whatever la, was excited enough to see new kids, my CS babes and hunks and make new friends! Ya know Im in love with pretty girls and hunks. oh mannn. Need to stop staring at them! Joleen's OG is fricking creative and bonded! Like the way they react to us GMs and uhm ya, ahha thats bout it? Out of the box cheer that is! veh good!

Yesterday! I had a performance in HQ! for ywd commemorative meeting! was really honoured to be able to portray the listless ywd, having to go through time capsules and meet up with 6 great women! And, the 6 great women's makeup/attire SUPER ALIKE! SUPER X1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 BANZAI!

ps: Sometimes, I do feel like a bad bad friend for not being sensitive enough? In the sense of, not being to notice the minor details. :( Could have comforted/encouraged my friend.