Wednesday 24 August 2011

Day 13- Somewhere you would like to move or visit.

Im very satisfied to where Im living in right now. My home in Singapore and Singapore my home. Some critics may say that Singapore really do fairly well in inculcating Singapore Spirit in the students. But only, SOME students, Ill say. Because out there, are many more people who are 'giving' up in Singapore and giving reasons like "not firming its roots in the soil that doesnt want it". Apparently, they are very much affected by the FTs. Not that Im not affected, all of us do. Just that the impact is not great enough now, for me to really feel it.

As told, Ive always wanted to travel. To see things outside the place Im staying in. To find/learn more insights rather than learning it from the media/education (which maybe bias at times). And of course, I enjoy traveling to exotic places. And first of all, I would want to go Japan. For studies. Further studies after my degree/honours in Singapore. But money will be an issue. Crucial, heavy factor. Standard of living in Japan aint low. Its in fact, very high, like up there. This, Ill need to think of it to weigh the pros and cons.
A side note, yesterday Ive gotten my results. Checking it online after a day's work and after much dilemma as to postponing to check it (but well, have it check it sooner or later and its not like im very free nowadays. so might as well, do it now. once and for all.) results are as of below...

HAHHAHA are you disappointed that i didnt reveal all my subjects? like specific marks and grades. lol Not very impressive though Ill say my econs and math are pretty shocking. Quite high marks relatively to the rest. Those are my top 2 scorers amongst the rest. All in all, I improved except STATS. Disappointed that it downgraded. But overall, Im satisfied. Need to work harder for next returning year! And choose the right modules and continue to strive for kosenrufu! This is my victory! Keen to share it with friends :) Note; Im not trying to be some idiots that go around flaunting their results. Congrats to those who performed better than expected, and those who passed all and those who have the courage to check it! Jiayou to those who felt that they could do better (Im sure no one is ever 100% satisfied with their results unless they got like 100 marks for all or they are people who are easily satisfied and non-competitive. Even I have the slightest thinking that I could have gotten all As. right?)

Now I can get my magnum icecream and oven! hohohohohohho thats the 'promise' I made the day before yesterday. "If I fail one subject, I will not buy. If I pass everything, I will buy oven and icecream hahaha." #justasmallrewardtomyself

As for my future plans, I might consider to transfer school. That, Ill need to enquire the Admission Office of NUS and NTU economics/FASS. Another milestone for me to conquer, and an additional 'portfolio' to add on to my testimonials. Moreover, this is what Ive been praying for initially. Secondly, need to check out the modules to choose if I were to continue in SIM for my further units. Thirdly, to opt for bursary or scholarship hopefully. Next, to follow up with my SIM exhibition comm and finish this journey (this is if Im confirmed to transfer).

Me wants to get this book. Its sold at Kinokuniya. :}

Aside this, Ive really got to set my holidays to clear list right!
1. 3 lessons in True Yoga to be done by mid July, after 20th June.
2. 1 Vocals lesson in Ocean Butterflies to be done during July when my sister's having hols!
3. 4 lessons in Yaatra Movement (Yoga) to be done by mid July, after 20 June.
4. 4 Slimming Treatment at SuddenlySlender with momsie. To be done by end Jul, after20 June!
5. Read on my buddhist exam materials! clear all by 17June!!!!!!!!!!
6. Start on my fricking guitar practice on grade 3-5.
7. BAKING! Get my hands on fondant cake!!

8. To upload pictures from cam to fb. Im lazy. Whats new?


To clear list:
1. Ywd exam STUDY!! by next week!
2. Guitar grade 4 and 5 by this week!
3. Register driving lessons!
4. True yoga when school starts!

Im not clearing them. Thats cos Im lazy. And... indecisive. Procrastinating. Bad enough.


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