Drugs are medicine to certain extent. They, however, should not be exploited and for certain 'medicine', those are totally banned and not supposed to be consumed. For the killer drugs, I dont understand why they are produced since they dont have even a slight advantage.
Alcohol, does that include wine? I think wine, beer and alcohol are okay to a limited extent. Meaning, consuming it is alright provided you are of the right age, have a fairly good immune (not a weak and super easily fall sick person la) system. uhm yea, and consume it at the right amount each time, and not be a frequent drinker. Because you wont like the hangover feel and you wont want to murder your body, would you? Ive heard that a few sips of red wine can help circulate blood. Beer is totally no good, but Id recommend carlsberg. thats more awesome than tiger beer. And uhm, shots, like those party/pub/club drinks? i.e. vodka, jagerbomb (thats ze bombz!), tequila shots. I like vodka peach best. Hey, Im not a drinker kay? Im just experiencing life's little perks. :)
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