Sunday 28 August 2011

Day 17- Your highs and lows of the past year

Im free. Im freed.

And that would be from 28 Aug 2010 till today, exactly 1year.

1. Getting not bad results in Uni.
2. Did a few baking projects
3. Finally working. lol. And earning considerably good hourly pay, i.e. Tuition.
4. Can feel my good fortune workin!
5. Joined Council and got to know awesome people and had a few great moments together.
6. got accepted into Council.

1. Kinda lost count of the timings and dates, yog ended.
2. Just started school in SIM since 25 Aug. lol And no friends I know. (But you know, Im elaine, so... I got to know new pengyou! lol pretty fast)

Not much of the lows though, cos Im happy Elaine. HAHHA
Working later on! So yeap! Not going to gimme good time to think about nonsense. Just focus on doing good can already! And, Im not gonna stalk :P ahha yes, I stalked. bewareeeeee


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