Hmm mmm first kiss. With my mum? with my dad? with my siblings? with my girlfriends? Hhahaha I know you people are just being gossipy and kpo right! First kiss... with a guy! haha too bad, none of such thing! :P
And I think first kiss really mean a tonne of value or priceless if you had that with your first love. And that your first love, is still your only love and your current and forever love. Like cliche I know.
Thats quite saddening to see your friend who turns into your partner (i mean, this is kinda sweet at first). Then, you even had that slight moment that he/she could be your life-long partner. And, bad things strike, you guys broke up and went separate ways. But, still having each others' profile in Facebook. Learning each other's present life and how they are doing. Seeing one of which's relationship status changes from single to its complicated to in a relationship with blah blah, and followed by a string of news feed filled up with their <3 Album. Sad right! (haha okay, i think the aftermath feeling depends on how you guys ended it) Then, even awkward! When you are still single, walking along the street and bump into your ex and his/her new partner! sia la. GOOD GAME!
And somehow, Ive got the power! lol. I ever tried this many times and it happened! Like, when Im outside, on a bus or alone or something my mind tend to drift off to somewhere like thinking of someone. Someone could be my friend, girl friend or boy friend, to relatives. Just keep thinking, and I BUMP INTO THEM! LOL THIS IS TRUE. 100% ACCURACY. JUST KEEP THINKING LOL sometimes I feel Im psychic or what.
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