Tuesday 30 August 2011

Happy Birthday to myself

Stayed out yesterday and had a blast. And I really mean a BLAST. Cos my family went to Cineleisure to attend the On The Fringe Fan Meet (teen casts), the crowd was massive and so chaotic to the extent that they had to cancel it due to artistes safety purposes. :/ Nonetheless, Ive took a few videos of them and caught a few glimpses of all the casts. Didnt get too near like those little kiddos though. Oh yes! And given my age, I think, Im the few old ones over there other than the shop owners, the guards, Pat Mok, my aunt n my mum and... Ian Fang (yes, he's older than me) The rest? Confirm plus chop young kids ranging from my youngest cousin 5 to say... 18? Squeezed into the crowd just to take the videos yesterday and was squashed eventually. And literally, kenna buried by people around me lol Had no choice and feeling arm and neck aching that I had to retreat!

Ian Fang aka Jason Liu

From left to right:
Kimberly Chia aka Ah Ya and Elizabeth Lee aka Joey

From left to right:
Patricia Mok (Mediacorp artiste to control the crowd) and Edwin Goh aka Zhi Yong

From left to right:
Yi Da aka Tomato (fricking cute right! hahha) and Gabriel aka Ah Dong (paiseh! kenna blocked)

Then, had dinner at 313.

Afterwhich, meet jiayin n girls!

Thats a Cuppucino that made my stomach went mad.
Multiple 16shots! taken by laoyin
laoyin and myself! You know my photog skills sucks like one king.

And... Im secretly hoping something. hehehehheheheh done my research! Im way too short la. :( Any ways to grow taller???

Oh yea, no Zoo today :/ Jolin is using the same waterbottle as my family! HAHAHHAHA found it randomly on her Fanclub's weibo. real awesome! and yes, I HAVE GOTTEN HER BOOK! :))) HAPPY LIKE A KID

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