Monday 19 August 2013

SIM UOL Results 2013

Results was supposed to be out on 13 August but it was delayed till Friday, 16 August night time... I remembered before the results was out, I was at a funeral wake... And I wished my friends all the best and... okay hahaha 

I would say this year's anxiety was much lesser than the previous years... Asked my sister to log on the results page... and tada! still loading... probably due to high surge in users checking it online

and tada! results out! I told my sister that my target 3As or at the minimum minimal least it has to be 2As...
And an A is above 70.

She said, "hmm u have 2As only" I was damn sad :( she added, "hmm those 2 are above A" I guess she meant high As... and I asked her the question, "can check if its second upper class or first class?"


.she said...



"its first class honours" Gotten what I wanted from the very beginning! But... it seems like its not enough... not that Im greedy... but I have that regret tingling inside me that I could have done better for Management Math which I failed to secure an A by 3 marks... I skipped one question worth of 8marks when I probably could scribble little bit here n there and... i might get that extra marks... baaaaaaaaaaaaa :(

Actually my results werent that fantastic... I would say its a low first class... but well! at least it is a fch!

MSM 80 (done better in prelims though... I heard a lot of people scored much lower than in prelims)
Microeconomics 88
MM 67 (wasted la)

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