Wednesday 14 August 2013

National Day Parade 2013 SOKA Human LED

This journey started slightly earlier for me as compared to other trainers. Was contacted by Tin Lay for a la kopi session in November? and heh you know something is up to their sleeves :P then, she tasked me a mission to take up a role as an assistant choreo, and I readily accepted it except the fact that I will be going Korea for a month... And so, results got back from her was choreo role is impossible as the commitment level is really high. dengdeng! So I requested that I want to help out in other ways! Like admin or something hehe and then, given was the role as a trainer!

Anyway, I only got to know later that Ive friends who were supposed to be trainers but cos of exchange overseas for a good 1 month that they were asked not to... even participants as well... Really good fortune that I can...

Trainers gathered together in January for kick off and audition for the participants.

Then... April when our trainings start at Kranji Camp! Only for a few trainings afterwhich we shifted location to the MFP. Got to know our group. Some left and some just joined. Some came almost all trainings, some couldnt make it all the time. Bonding in progress~

Here comes June. The end of June, when I will be flying overseas... bade them goodbye and had my good time in korea :P

Came back in July. Total sotong. lol I remembered I was back on the last NE Show, before preview itself... As u can imagine the entire routine is pretty fast and quick and swift (i know they meant the same thing la) so... I became a trainer intern! haha to look, see, observe and learn on the go... but thank goodness for the trainers team especially charlie especially my C2! I was pretty fast on getting back on track :)

A lot of challenges happened to own group participants and in SOKA item itself which all the episodes really taught me a lot and inspires me too

Really touched by the show... Never once a show touched me and gave me goosebumps as much as this NDP 2013 Human Led...





On the actual day itself trainers team put up a performance in that single mindset to encourage our participants to go on put up a show with the fighting spirit for the entire nation. and well. they did it!

love this picture a lot!

And anyway as C2 is in the middle of the screen... heh we have quite a few of media coverage showing pictures of most C2 kids!

On Goodmorning SG on channel 8

Straits times online. SSA made it to ST's Home cover page :) and big big was C2 and groups around us!


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