Tuesday 27 August 2013

Seoul Day 5- SKKU Tour One

Day 5 Field trip 1 to Gyeong bok goong, museum inside the palace, another museum outside Gwanghwamun and i think Nanta

SKKU: Hyehwa station, Exit 4. You should see a main street linking to a road. Walk along the street away from the road. U should see Face Shop, then Black Smith somewhere at the 2nd floor, walk further on you will see Aritaum, continue to walk straight till you see a junction. You should see Dunkin Donuts at your opposite left hand side and Daiso written in Hangul at your opposite right hand side. Cross the street (horizontally, vertically or diagonally like in TW and Japan). Walk along the Dunkin Donuts street into the lane (not along the main road). Walk further. You should see Olive Young at your right hand side across the lane. Continue walking straight... and you should see the School Gate!

GyeongBok Palace: Gyeongbokgung can be accessed via Subway (Gyeongbokgung station, Line 3, Exit 5
Tourist Info:
Hours: 9am – 6pm (mar-oct)
Guard changing 10am-4pm, everyhr SHARP
Closed on Tuesdays

There is Guard Changing Ceremony at every hour. think its 10am-5pm. eg 1030 doesnt have the ceremony. 

Its also very near Gwang Hwa Mun. Like just beside the palace only...

Started the day with breakfast! Instant noodles from SG!

SKKU Gate!

600th anni!

inside the theatre

on the hills... near the business building, near the basketball field as well... waiting to get onto the bus! lunch was provided: subway.

(Pictures are messed up =.= map on the screen as explained by the skku people inside the theatre earlier)

on bus! my name tag!

me and soomin!

hongdae streets lol after Nanta nearby... Nanta theatre is near Trick eye museum :)

KFC at Seoul Station... after tour, after Nanta before heading back to Hyehwa at night. as Ive mentioend, pictures are jumbled up =.=

we talked about homesickness during dinner haha and can u imagine us trying to stop the tears when we were dining outside lol

Palace! the moment we alighted the bus, this view wasnt in our sight yet but we could see the mountains behind us... then we walked towards this place... super breathtaking! the open place is huge, is airy though hot, big mountains and palace! omg feels like a dream...

our tour guide who likes to rush us... not sure if its the tour guide or us that we are slow...

went into the palace compound, ready for guard changing ceremony!

tickets to enter the palace!
u dont need tickets to watch the ceremony cos its held outside the palace, inside the compound. dont know how to explain. just get there and see for yourself can already la

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