Tuesday 20 August 2013

Seoul Day 2- Dong Dae Mun!

Went Dong Dae Mun! The hotel was not bad and I had a good sleep till like 6plus when the sun shines brightly on my face =.=

Brushed up and ate breakfast (which i forgot where...) then went around the hotel place to shop and got a few clothes for my dad, my goddad and bro

anyway, i cant really recall... it was like more than a month ago
Note: In Seoul, to navigate around using their public transport u can just purchase Tmoney. And it can be used for subways, and buses and airport limo... even in busan for the subway... for busan bus wise u have to purchase busan tmoney... and Tmoney is a card if u dont know... it can be topped up/recharged.
And in Seoul, u tap the tmoney when u board the bus/subway and tap out when u alight from the bus/subway. pretty similar to singapore :)

And subway station in Seoul is really confusing and I think I mentioned this before lol

anyway we went to exit 6 of ddm station! saw this shoes market!

can bargain for the shoes market... try if u are brave enough lol
they usually charge higher price for foreigners and they know it la... so if u can bargain using korean they do give u discounts though they know u are not local...

off to the shopping malls after a junction!
we walked along this Cheonggyecheon stream! and... its infested with white small flying insects... its really micro but u can see them and they fly in herds so its really disgusting...

people resting... there are fishes in the stream! and radio is playing some traditional classical music in this place u see below

some shopping mall... i think it sells textiles... but then its really huge and i think we only walked a small portion of it which happened to see only textiles n traditional items... and household items... so its really boring n so we left the mall

u see hanbok below??

along the streets we saw this store... bookstore with no entrance n exit lol i wonder how people buy the books... no owner in sight either lol

spot sg!

 ahjummas love wearing this kinda hat! n i thought its really interesting and wanted to buy one for mum since she is... ahjumma lololol but then she doesnt want it. owell...

shopping area!! doota! hello apm!

food court at doota!

order the food and they will give u this item... when the food is ready, the item will vibrate signalling u to collect your food like my friend did below

some facial items we saw and took photo of in doota

i forgot which mall is it but its selling good cheaply

we went back quite late and we happen to see the evening stalls along hello apm stretch... and surprisingly hello apm wasnt open the time we went... it is supposed to... weird...

 pardon my weird smile... i was really dry... i mean my facial features were really dry from plane ride and climate difference... that period was in end june... so before the start of summer was end spring... so weather was pretty chilly and dry

 our dinner at the same place we had dinner the previous night!
took photo of the woman making kimchi! and she happened to laugh at a joke her friend said when i took this photo lol so... that explain why this picture is like that lol


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