Friday 9 September 2011

Day 26- What kind of person attracts you

In a good or bad way?

In a bad way:
By wearing eye-catching atttire like lime green/red i dont know. By... digging your nose, scratching your butt lol I guess those actions will irl people off right? By not wearing your clothes properly? By wearing chest-droppy top or butt-cellulite-showing shorts. Ill just get disgusted and turned off. But, I suppose if ladies were to wear those, the guys will prolly be enjoying much. right guys? And sums in all, uncivilised person in the public attracts my attention. only. yes.

In a good way:
Girls: err..... yes, girls attracts my attention. To put it specifically, pretty girls and girls who are fashionably dressed. CANT TAKE MY EYES OFF THEM. Sorry, but Im straight. as straight as a ruler?

Guys: Cute and handsome guys. and extraordinary man. LOL c'mon la, the first impression counts right? and who doesnt like cutie pies? All in all, just dont have to be toooooo cmi should be fine.

Yours truly seriously detest people who always wait. Not saying people who wait on us. (If you get what I mean, People who wait on us, are waiter/sales assistants. its English.) waiting for the sky to fall down really. Cant stand them. Especially those who claim that they are waiting for others to take action when they are NOT DOING IT! Isnt that kinda absurd? I supposed, just type on either email or message us wont take up most of your time right?
And yes, when it comes to planning a meeting/outing those who take action is the one being labelled as the organiser. funny so. Hence, the follow up actions like coming up with an ideal date and time is... brain draining. Imagine you had to coordinate all the timings and the preferences and venue of all people involved! Person A wants this and is available during these days. However, person B wants the other. Look, this is just a short and simple comparison/analyse between 2 persons ONLY. In the actual fact, we sometimes had to plan an outing/meeting for a group of say... 5-20? or even more? Facebooking events are good. But, it wont work to its fullest if the people aint active in it. Hard uh? I guess, thats the reason why many detest being the one who plan/initiates/take action.

Aside that, should I sign up for Summer Programme next year? That would mean... going to London for 3weeks. nearly 1 month. Yes, no? This is definitely a good chance for me to get exposed to overseas stuffs, and get independent!

Think, Im gonna stop his tuition. 2weeks later. hmm

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