Sunday 4 September 2011

Day 23- Give pictures of 5guys who are famous whom you find attractive

Hmm. Famous Amos. Thats one. ahahha kidding! Okay, here's the list and by no means of order... First up!

Barack Obama. Hansum sia Probably the most handsome in the circle of politics. Thumbs up yea!

Show Luo Zhi Xiang. Little Pig!! Humourous kinda guy. hohohooho

Nickhun! Cute right! HAHHA Didnt know Ive copied a GIF format! hahahha his wink!!! ahhhh melts* Have you melted?

Edison Chen. And yes, despite his scandals, he's still no doubt the better looking ones.

LEE MIN HO! Oh yes, is he getting married or has he just got attached recently? heh I dont really chase after celebrities... Anyway, hellyeah, admit that you think he's handsome piece of jade

Urgh this is so difficult! And I didnt expect choosing these good looking guys can be such a chore! Perhaps, Ill do much much better if I were to copy and paste 5 attractive and famous ladies. I could even do up till a 100? hah. Thats why, I look/stare/glare at pretty girls. hehhehheh Some weird habit of mine? 


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