Friday 23 September 2011

life's simple pleasures

School has started for me. And tmr will be my day 2 in school for lesson. First day of school was fine, except the fact that it rained heavily early in the morning and sustained till even after we were released from class. Apparently, the rain rained like forever. Good enough, its not raining today so... today is a sunny happy day without anything on! I had POA on the first day, and I liked the lecturer, she'd made her lesson seem fun and insightful. To learn this subject not because its a pre-requisite in academics but as a knowledge of use in the future. This moral of the story that I got was the trigger point to many who have realised that a seeking mind is what important. Anyway, tmr's Managerial Econs lets hope it will be good :)

This week was fulfilling, glad, little sad and uhm, revitalize feeling for me. Because, Ive only just started school so I felt revitalize. Just like how my cells and brains will be influenced by books, knowledge again. Glad and sad because many guitar assignments are coming to a halt. And lesser income into my pocket. At this phase, Im going to learn to once again juggle with new things on hand that is, my school work, tuition and meetings and chingay. Ive said this a lot of times hahahha pardon me for being so... repetitive.

A few great achievements lately, oh well at least to me it really seemed to be great, students improved by 1 grade in Science. And, one math student scoring full marks! Sometimes, in the midst of teaching all these students I wonder what is their mindset in having a tuition. Their parents too, why do they want their kids to go for tuition. One simple answer, to improve. To improve is good, but whats the ultimate reason behind wanting their kid/themselves to improve? To compare with peers? To compare with fellow kiasu parents? Or do they really understand whats the purpose of education and whats the purpose of an exam? I said this, not because I think I fully comprehend the deeper meaning to the purposes of both. This serves as one reflecting point, to see if you are heading the wrong path (to being competitive etc), if you are beginning to have a warped mindset/idea on education.

Just a side note, sometimes i really do not understand my laptop for the weird behaviour, just like how i dont understand myself either. beforew i typed this particular paragraph my laptop suffered from a crash. and thank goodness for the google chrome, it actually kept my entry intact! and no, i didnt saved my entry nor did i published it yet. i thought i would have to retype the above long passages! so... banzai to google chrome! you're serving me great!

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