Monday 5 September 2011

Day 24- your favorite movie and what its about

Harry Potter.

Magical, Romance, Fights, Fantasy, Friends. C'mon who doesnt know Harry Potter? haha. Its about that boy who was wounded by the You Know Who with the Lightning scar on his forehead supporting the PAP (this part is an extra hahahha) brave his way through many obstacles into the Magical World via Train Platform 3 3/4's wall. Yes, he crashes into the wall to get to the another realm. He met his truest friends and a few more new friends. Namely, Ron and Hermione. You Know Who detests his mum who spike his mudblood daddy's drink such that he fell in love with the witch, but left her cos the drug wears off after a few years when You Know Who was born. And for some You Know What reason he has to kill mudblood baby boy; Harry Potter is the chosen one. So, at the last sequel, that shows the final showdown between Harry and Lord Voldermort. Kinda swift and short showdown though. Last scene was the good beaten the bad and the good live happily ever after with their partners and children. yea, watch the 8 series to find out more! THATS A 100% AWESOME GUARANTEED MOVIE IN ONE'S LIFETIME! WATCHIT! You'll love it! :)

I think my slimming mission is somewhat getting better. Im getting slimmer and slimmer day by day. lol. Thats so... unbelievable that this actually works! Tried it on myself taking me as a guinea pig before Im gonna work on my sister and mumsie... :) Thats the good thing with knowing what you are eating and what you need. :) great!

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