Thursday 1 September 2011

Day 20- How important you think Education is


Education starts from foetus teaching to childcare education, preschool, primary, secondary, higher secondary, tertiary to society education. Education is everywhere and it is somehow a complementary with our surroundings. Education moulds the child. Especially, the character, moral teaching. Therefore, I think there should be teachers specialising in educating CME (Civics Moral Education) and CME is a must conduct lesson in School instead of asking the form teacher/civics tutor to 'teach' that. They cant. Everyone has their own forte and they are doing it already! i.e. a Math teacher is a form teacher of a certain class. And usuallly, in this case, for teachers who are super nice and empathetic to their students, they will use the CME class to conduct their subject lessons during critical periods like Olevels, Alevels or PSLE. (Unless their form teacher doesnt teach them the generic subject la) So yea, Moral and Academics education are equally important but I do think a person with high EQ and AQ survives longer than people with only high IQ, cos they only know how to nicely beat around the bush via extraordinary IQ.

Whatever it is. This post came in good time today! cos... its TEACHERS' DAY TODAY!

I think teachers who genuinely want to improve their students are angels! Really, from the deepest of my heart, I do respect them a lot. Thats why, when I did something that I wouldnt think I will do, I feel guilty even until now that I shouldnt have did that. And... you will really feel your teachers if you are one. As mentioned always, Im in the educational sector right now since 1+ years ago? Trust your teachers I can guarantee majority of them treat you students like their child and want you guys/girls to hit the top sector in life i.e. be a good person contributing back to the society. (And... moral education comes into place! haha right??) The adverts produced by MOE seemingly trying to promote teacher as a career. Yes, it is. But, its not glorifying the life of a teacher I must say. Do you not agree that there are such teachers?

(Im damn pissed off now. Thanks to blogger and my fricking auto restart laptop. my orignal posts from here on is LOST!)

Im gonna write vaguely now on. Had written a testimonial like to all the teachers but laptop shuts it off. so.. here it goes... Starting from Primary School till now:

Ms Teo, my 3 years form teacher. The good 3 years dont come by easy, the students had to fight for it. She's really a very nice teacher. And, thanks to her my English improved by abit. At least I got a clearer idea of the tenses concept. And thanks for letting me type on a Computer's keyboard when my Invention idea got accepted for the preliminary round! (Yes, Im creative! okay!) hahah remembered how envy I was when Miss Teo typed. Its so fast! And I thought she had a magical hands and how I wished I could type that fast without looking at the keyboard. HAHHA to think. Now, I COULD DO THIS AS WELL! (Trying to type without looking. ahhahahahhah)
Ms Ong, short, PMS, math teacher. She got me being competitive in Math.
Chen Lao Shi who encouraged us to purchase the then Dou Hao primary chinese newspapers to improve my Chinese. Yes, my chinese sucked. 
Mr Bala, for coaching us Math. He's really good and I could really adapt to (new) teachers despite that heavy Indian plus Moustache accent. hehe It wouldnt have been easy on him as well as Ms Agnes Ho, physics teacher, who are both teachers I usually bombard questions with... Thanks for their patience with me. And those subjects Ive improved drastically and high life passion still in it!
Ms Ang, Ms Literature(Ive forgotten her name :/), Ms Dawn Chin, Ms Cho. Thanks for being so never dying determination in rescuing my English! Never easy too especially on language subjects. Thanks to Miss Literature that I loved Literature, and even wanted to opt for Lit during Sec3 streaming cos I got an A grade in it despite my lousy English. hah the irony.
Thanks to my dance teacher in charge plus Chinese teacher! Mdm Yick! Thanks for going that extra-mile in taking care of all the dancers i.e. forking our own money to ask us down to Alumni Dinner, to pass me the make up set at my house, to make mango pudding for us (Yes, I remembered that! Cos it tasted nice. It was superbly done!) Thanks to Ms Tan Bao Jun who taught me Chinese as well, your class is also fun-filled and you are just too cute. HAHHA yea, even until now.
Mr kwek! the funny humourous math teacher! I still can remember how he turns his back to write on the flash screen during lecture. like a funny only. HAHHA Mrs Sim, the strict, understanding and reasonable economics teacher! I miss your shoutings! :( Miss Low, the unique cool pretty physics teacher ever or probably the coolest teacher I ever met. Not lying. Thank you guys for letting me consult you so so so many times! And thanks for pushing us on this journey! Thank you for not giving either of us up!
Thanks to all my GP teachers, I know, its never easy teaching me, especially, GP. Thank you to Ms Kathleen, Ms R, Mr Edson Ng! Thank you to the latter for letting me know the seriousness of the whole situation and how extreme bad my GP was. I mean, I know I sucked at it, but in the actualy fact there's this possibility that I could retain thanks to GP, I could have to retake, I could have flunk badly in it. No matter if thats a scare, or really what you think, thank you. (To fight on even stronger when adversities arise) Thanks to SRJC's PE TEACHERS! thanks for letting me accomplish the mission Id never ever thought I could do it! Really. (tearing) hahha I hated running since sec3 on. I would never run longer than 2.4km cos I thought 2.4 is already very bad. Before that I used to run 5km. Guess what, I was trained to run 10km! oh frick. Then, actual fact, I ran 12km in the event; Will Run. 2 EXTRA KMs! Thats something I never thought of. Thank you for making the impossible possible. (Its the determination, and effort put in to accomplish the mission impossible thank yourself and the teachers!)
ah yes! MR ANG! THE CHEMISTRY TEACHER THAT MADE ME LOVE CHEMISTRY! HAHAHA The funny teacher. I was all so bad in it ever since Sec3. F9 all the way even until J1, Chemistry is only a just pass.
Thanks to Mr Eng and Mr Choo for coaching us Guitar! Its definitely a good musical skill to learn and master! :D
Thanks to Ikeda Sensei who taught many of us the way to live, to study! Studying the world's foremost philosophy.
Thanks all my university lecturers! Mr Nageb, Mr Adrian Tang, Ms Lee CC, Mr Syed the loss voice joke humourous singer math lecturer! 

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