Wednesday 7 September 2011

A fulfilling day

Yesterday was a mixed feeling day. Kicked off my day with eCr and its literally yea, kicked off and got pissed off. Just for your information, eCr is one period where SIM UOL students select their units/modules and timetable and lecturers. Although there's a system that allows a particular batch of students to do their eCr at a different timing, the system is rather lag. Sorry correction, VERY LAG. And I would say this arrangement of batches/courses students to select at different timing/days is... unfair. Cos the first batch will be able to choose the good lecturers and good timings whereas the last will be put at the very disadvantage. agree? But as of now, even I cant think of any better arrangements to suggest the 'banned' of such practice. And yes, lag, 30mins timeout session and apparently many are experiencing the timeout session at only say 5mins? All the hopeful souls were just praying/cursin/hoping/swearing for the system to work, to load, to proceed to 'Save and Continue' but its only 1.5hrs after the start of the session that we got our timetable. What an excited moment huh? Thought I was bad enough? No. There are people in much deeper shit that I do. My friend waited to 2hrs, some 6hours, some even had to call the School Helpdesk to enquire. I guess, the school admin had a tough day yesterday and it gonna last for at least a week? For there are different batches and courses students. haahha. All thanks to the lousy system. And yea, my school aint the worse, NUS' bidding system via luck and credit is worse I would say. very mmuch pissed off yea. that sums up my morning.

(Edit: My mood got lifted up now, 7/9/2011, lol. Cos Im finally able to choose good lecturers!)

And, so I brought my family to swensens to have our lunch using the Groupon :) All in all, I just paid 7bucks at the restaurant and had 47dollars worth of 3 main courses :) envy? I tell you, there's no need to envy. The price is so UP there, I could just get it at a cheaper rate elsewhere. Ambience aint good, it was crowded and many were walking about. Unlike those hotel restaurants or sea view side restaurants. But the good that we ordered are pretty... healthy. haha so thats good?

Next, proceed on by I went out to meet gladys and soomin. I was late, as usual. heh :P Went Teoheng the first time lol. And the shopping mall looks run down. VERY. Our room that I booked, was small to #$^#!^!&^ THE SMALLEST SMALL I EVER GET EVER SINCE I STARTED GOING SING K WITH MY FRIENDS. THATS EVEN SMALLER THAN MY STOREROOM/TOILET! grah!

Heres a photo of this pretty girl :P

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