Wednesday 20 June 2012


Always caught in the dilemma as to buy or not to buy. buy means waste money. not to bus means thinking of it. ugh. anyways, wanted to buy the strip top i saw in Cotton On couple weeks ago yesterday, but it's out of stock. either that or not manufacturing it ever again :( sad ttm... Then... while browsing through the clothes I spot this YELLOW BLAZER! okay, not exactly blazer, more of a blazer look a like cardigan. costs 30 plus. Good buy?? shall contemplate a little more before making a decision. heh. yea, thats me.

next, wanted to buy the groupon cable car ride pls other deals in Sentosa for like 39 per pax, for my whole family of 5 people. That should cost around 200. BUT mum says no. So... decided not to go for it. Instead, we shall save it for our Taiwan trip! :) Should start having a Taiwan trip piggy bank lololol

NEXT, even more spending money issue coming up. just 2 weeks more to get the new phone! whether I will go for $0 phone is still left hanging. BUT, currently its either ill go for Nokia Lumia 900? aye the latest la, or iPhone 4. Yes, not the latest. iPhone 4 is nice and good enough. But both would mean Ive to top up money from $198 to around $300 la and on top of that, buying iPhone 4 would mean dataplan and that I have to get myself a line and a dataplan which costs a bomb together with the top ups. so you see... for or against?

yea thats bout it. 3 little things that costs 3 big bombs in the pocket. :/ not as if Im filthy rich meh

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