Tuesday 19 June 2012


mid June's check list!

This summer, I'd like to:

1. Discover something new.
camera maybe? gotten my pink holga!
2. Get a job.
hmm... working as holidays full time tutor loh.
3. NOT get a tan.
yes, im definitely not getting a tan. But not that I dont go under the sun.

4. Visit the Art Science Museum. (HARRY POTTER EXHIBITION)
5. Korean Language
coming Thursday will be the third lesson. Pray that it'll be good.
6. BAKE!
Im lazy to bake lol perhaps end June? I didnt even get myself a proper oven for baking purposes la. mehh
7. Be 45kg.... get slim please elaine ugh
My weight forever hovers around 45.5 to 48kg. why huh? Cant it just shed that 0.5kg for just like a day? or an hour or something. JUST TO SATISFY MY 45KG DREAM?!
8. Shop!
shopped. but was NEVER ENOUGH hhahahah free flow money please.
9. Organise my 21st party proper :/ really vvvvvvvv troublesome
venue settled. buffet catering almost settled. just need to ring them up... hmm DECORATIONS IS A BIG HURDLE TO CROSS. You know Im bad in art/designing. ugh
10. Maybe youtube cover?

was never done. lol too afraid to upload my sore vocals lol maybe just one... or maybe none.
11. jalanjalan with friends

yea, outing with friends. same as shopping. was NEVER ENOUGH
12. JUNE PROJECT DIRECTING. burn weekends burn. burn May burn.

June's Project was a blast last saturday. Mindblown.
13. Watch. A. Truckload. of Movies and Drama.... that I don't have to analyse and all that crap. -.-

watched WGM, RM, LOVE YOU. too many dramas, too little time. lol im even stressed watching too many dramas at one go hahah
14. AND AND AND, maybe a short getaway trip to say BKK or Batam? Needing that nod from parents :/

no, no trip overseas. hmm perhaps a family trip end year to taiwan!! :D shall put this on hold and keep hoping for! lol

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