Monday 18 June 2012

lovely life


June Project's over. And Im missing it already. I would want to thank all the souls that make this happen. The main comm, the directors (us), the scriptwriters, the backstage logistics, make up, costume, emcee, lightings, sound, ushers, exhibition guides, my casts, their trailblazers who took care of them, fringe item musicians, sydc, and all who attend it. Pardon me if Ive missed you out cos its really a very very big production put together by hundreds and thousands of people. A BIG THANK YOU! (I doubt anyone involved would read this anyway hahha cos no one knows the existence of my blog) an at most 2 months of preparation time starting from mid April, its neither too short or long, but definitely a challenging time period for us to produce an awesome show and exhibition. And all this is only possible through our student division. Cos, we strive forward with a common goal in mind. Many in Body, One in Mind.

my directors' team! :D

Perhaps a short, i hope I dont get all too excited in the midst of writing that I wrote too long, testimonial. :) 

This year gonna be a victorious year for me Ill say. This is regardless of all the obstacles, failures, victory I face, the essence of "victory", is not to give up. Keep on striving forward despite the strong currents going against you. Its obviously not easy, but once you kept pushing forward no matter what result it might be, you will be joyous and it is definitely a result that you truly deserve and the best that you get. My year started off with Chingay intensive trainings, and I had to cope with my studies as my prelims is in 2 months time, March. In chingay, in our own groups we united varying from 29 to 32 people. And, as actual event goes even nearer, all of the groups, the blocks united together to a form a ginormous army of thousand bodies but one in mind. This is my first time being a trainer in events that Soka participated in. I have always deep down wanted to be a trainer. Do you know why? Cos... I used to participate in NDP and Chingay but "failed" to achieve victory when I was younger. So i thought, does this mean I must get a bigger role to meet even greater challenge so I can get a conspicuous i.e. evident victory report? The latter question holds true. But this doesnt mean the former question is true too, when I was young, I failed to realise that benefits come in 2 forms; conspicuous and... non conspicuous. Allow me to move on. Chingay trained me into a person who is even more open, sociable and sincere person. It is true that Im not exactly the person my friends see me as. A very quiet, emotional, temperamental kid lives inside me. And, I dont like her. But sometimes I do like her a lot when she's quiet, cos she will think about big and long sighted visions. She has that wisdom that barely anyone outside her family sees. Chingay is also an avenue that opens even greater mission in my life. I attended the TG sessions with 20plus comrades, and Im sure we grew a lot through that. Reading, chanting and communicating do not stop when TG's over, it is a life long journey. And... Chingay opens up TG, opens up the June Project that Ive been talking about. And so, I got involved in June Project as the assistant director. In the initial phase, the directors team wasnt too sure of what to do, and ended up taxing our scriptwriters. This is our bad for not researching in depth into our role, we must be independent. TG and June Project was held one after another and over-lapping. And in the midst of chionging for both, my exams period creeps in knowingly. yes, Im aware of my school work. I did pretty good for prelims and as a results i was too stress for my actual exams. This was a little different in previous year, cos I do learn from mistakes. I was afraid that getting good grades in prelims would mean complacency for actual exams, in order to refrain myself for being so, I had to be stressed up. thanks goodness I didnt explode hahah. Im pretty confident of my stress handling skills lol opps jwi song ham ni da (sorry in korean), I guess Ive written too much lol in short, I learnt a lot in TG and June Project. They are all damn fun stuff. Just join if you'd the chance to.
To add on, I forgotten was it facebook or on twitter that I wrote I must emerged victorious on the 16th. with that I meant, victorious in june project, and family. and yes, I did. during the last week, last lap, towards 16th june (show day) something bad happened in my family. was pretty critical that I had to forgo a training with my casts. family is of most importance. and yup, slightly before the show time, my family got together even more cohesively than before i think :) And, Im grateful for that.

Im missing June Project already :( BY THE WAY, its full house that noon. the hall and alternative room with live feed were over spilled lol AWESOME!

copyrighted: zi jing

Aside the above, Im gonna share a recent Korean song with you guys. PAPARAZZI!!! SCREAM!! lol The more I listen to this song, the more catchy it gets. BOOM BOOM BOOM! ;D SNSD's awesome like this. Anyway, kinda opened my eyes looking at Yoona after so many MVs. I think Yoona looks the best in this MV, not forgetting my pretty Tae Yeon :) However, my pretty lady Tiffany doesnt seem to be that boomz in this MV :( Or rather, in recent appearance her face does look a little off. Im refering to excessive plastic surgeries la. Too stiff. 

And and and... if not without pause function, I couldnt tell which is Tiffany and which is Taeyeon in their suit outfit. TOO SIMILAR LOL


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