Thursday 7 June 2012

What is this. Cant imagine that my first post after the exams is actually with regards to such bo liao guy. ugh

Anyway, was kept busy with June Project. Cos... I'm directing! haha kinda stress, but definitely that's a good experience to juggle with. Prolly, after June Project Ill miss directing. And I may even go in depth into directing and production. ahah. despite my zero onscreen acting experience.

Korean class starting today, Im kinda regretting to have bought the deal cos its all the way at City Hall. Far, and a good excuse for me to shop? On a brighter note, I'm actually quite excited for that too. ^^

Ohyea, aside the bo liao guy issue that makes me go worrying about everything. No, Im not. haha so, have agreed to go out just for one time, since that was arranged way before during my exams period or before. Have to keep my promise. And that shall be the last outing we have. ahah! Its free anyway! lol

yea, aside that, hmm I think Im falling in love! :P okay la, maybe not love. but at least I do feel a little bit for that guy (another person la) Shall see how it goes. Cant catch what he's thinking. I guess, he cant catch mine too. So, we shall all put on a poker face.

Love is in the air! :D

Its good to be loved, its good to love someone who loves you too. But, for me, this is not the time :) heh So, its good to find love without having the someone notice you love him/her. lol quote of the day, complicated right...

Aishh! Must be all the nonsense 'enlightenment' i got from the influence of We Got Married.

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