Thursday 7 June 2012


Do you ever feel stuck between being frank but may risk losing face and being indirect for fear of hurting another person?


There are certain things or activities that we do with people whom we prefer to do it with. E.g, friends or family or lover. Maybe for some girls, in this context, don't really mind going out with a guy whom they know, BUT rarely speak to and doesn't really appeal to them too. Or they don't view this as a bighoohaa than I do. Yea, Im kinda conservative. Hmm... Maybe not conservative, rather, Im a person who go for feelings/emotions. If I dont feel good or comfortable, then no.

Seriously... Im using my intuition to detect if this guy is going overboard. Yes, I hope Im wrong about that.

Probably thats why, the organisation has always been teaching us not to go into such relationship. This guy apparently doesn't fit to be a leader. Cos' is that what he should do? Evidently, not.

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