Thursday 2 August 2012

what to do

어떻게... yes what to do.

firstly, im thinkinh of taking up an admin job which pays pretty good. and workig jours are cool as well. and definitely it will be cooler if i were accepted. but here comes the "what to do" part. taking the job means to commit full time in working. then... i would not be able to  teach one of my tutee who pays a good rate too. thinking to rearrange the time with him.. hmm

secondly, its yet again that some of my friends whine that i do not have time for them... what the.. i just feel that its not as if im the only busy person. moreover, im JUST busy at nigt. and u are judging it based on these limited resource u have. totally unfair. how about u are not giving us time for us to meet in the daytime. just cos u are working. what logic

rah could i have lived better without friends. anyway results releasing in 15days. half a month to go. nervous ttvm. and... i still couldnt get used to typing with touchscreen. always missed out a few letters or type wrongly. ugh totallu random i know lol

on a happier note, august is hapz! i mean... its gonna be a hapz month! first, with national day celebration! second, to continur working. then, results release! how eggcited. next! 21st party! really a chore la. need to book buffet asap but some friends n relatives have yet to rsvp..... *whines "what to do" million times* and and and august baby treated with free admission to zoo n bird park! hooray!! hahhahaha

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