Tuesday 21 August 2012

fun day!

Just downloaded a blogger droid from the play store. Shall try it out now.
I will include photos in when i turned on my lappy. So stay tune!
And so...

Went to zoo ultimately cos firstly i couldn't stand staying at home feeling anxious of the upcoming results thats gotta be released in lemme recall... 4 snail hours? Second, i only have this and the another full day free for zoo and bird park trip. However, it was raining pretty heavily if you remember. Despite that we went ahead. Hahha then good enough, the rain stopped. Perhaps a small drizzle while on the way there. But nothing could put down our determination to have fun with the animals in the zoo! Hahha. Mystical actually. Cos the weather forecast states its gonna be a thunderstorm in the noon. But... Nothing happened. So if we had listened to the weather forecast, i would have suffered big time out of anxiety.

Tickets to zoo!!

My friends :))

my friend as well. hahahaa the chimpanzee, hmm did i get the species right? ok anyway, the monkey is clapping hands upon the zookeeper's order to "clap hands"

Sometimes, hmm many times, I feel super sad for the animals in the zoo. cos... only when they do the right things will they get the privilege like food to eat. But on the hindsight, though they are not in their habitat, at least they are being protect from even worse people/hunter out there who obviously hunt for them, not just monkeys but other animals as well. Taking say for example the most common, cats and dogs in singapore perhaps other countries, those animals are being exploited and abused by some too. so keeping them in the zoo might not be a bad thing after all. hmm 

SUPER LIKE THIS! SEE NO EVIL! HAAHHA gonna be my new fb profile picture!

The well-known Mr Ah Meng, who passed away long time ago...

Personally i like this picture too. felt that Ive used the correct setting in capturing this statue of his. nice right?
The scenery behind him is beautiful too. its actually a pavilion with a good view of... do i call it lake side? and greeneries.

 Me and my sister. ahahha

Penguins! Some of my jc friends say I look like penguin cos I walk like one. zzz

And so if you realised the above posted pictures of the animals are most of less related to me. 
my zodiac- goat.
human- monkey evolved
walking- like a penguin

There's wifi in the zoo! Then i randomly surfed on Facebook to realise results are out while i was watching the animal show. Great. Now anxiety increases tenfold. Kept nudging my sister if i should check. But no la. Didn't check it in the zoo.
After dinner, we went separate ways lol i have meeting for the o&g next day. And i asked my sister to check out the results for me at home. Hmm
Reached the meeting place not long after. My sister texted me of my results. Hahha! Smile reappeared on my face after nearly 12hours. It was not too bad for my own expectation. Cos im actually aiming for at least 3As. However, fall short of one. Nonetheless, that was a good battle. Considering that i had to juggle with loads of commitment like TG, June project stage production, chingay etc that followed one after another. Not in order though. Whereas people who doesn't have that much commitments like me didn't score as good as they expected. Anyway, it a good thing that I've quit src. Hahha. And so... Next year. Aiming for all first class again! :D it has to be that in order to achieve my first class goal!

O&g! Was late for it. Hahha then to sentosa for games. Im one of the games master. Got to know many new faces. 

my fellow game masters. just a portion only

guess what station is this?
Answer: landmine game! hahhah testing out everyone's strategies mind power

me and yuan ling, my fellow same station game master! she's super skinny and tall. *hides at one corner and cry*


Then dinner at white dog cafe at vivocity! Food on the menu looks small sized. But but in actual fact, its damn huge! Didn't managed to take any food photos though phone was dying :/
Had fish and chips. That's pretty common right? Like if you don't know what to consume, choose fish and chips. Just like if you don't know what to consume in the market, choose chicken rice. Lol
Then. Surprise came. After i got myself knocked onto the wall at the cafe while counting money lol. Birthday cake came, birthday song was sang. Then im surprised till not knowing how to react. I was shagged then, so photos taken confirm cui.

we actually split into 2 groups/tables. with this picture you see over here having the most people. looks like some speed dating session lol. and i sat at the "chairman" seat. hehehhehehe


tada! cui face and delicious cake! :) looking pleased. lol!

Then crane dance starts and ends with a 1minute long fireworks. Seems like those drama surprises. Lol then... The male lead comes other proposing. Lol! Romance struck?!? Last part is excessive lol just an idea for guys who happened to browse though this post how to court ladies Hahahha!
Tuition and Meetings. Hahha act has an encore! So... Hurray to everyone! Time to challenge and score victory yet again!
Family day! Role: exhibition guide. But. I was late. Argh!! Nevertheless, i stood there welcoming and directing people. Till my legs gave way lol. Ok no la, i didn't fell down. Just felt lemon on my legs. Then toured around after my duty.

kids and mama. papa not there. cos he is working hard hard for us :')

So that concludes the long weekend i had! How's yours? :)
Side note. I wish that was a fake. And i have to be firm. Must not let it affect my final year. Im competitive. Yea i still am.
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.6

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