Friday 17 August 2012

results' releasing today. and this reminds me of last year same situation. that kinda anxious feeling before the release of results. just that this year somehow i dont feel as anxious as last year. no idea why. prolly immune? but for sure, ill foresee myself getting all tighted up juat a few hours before the release. ahhhhh... anyways, the blardy bad weather prevented me and my sis from going to zoo! argh. i cant stay home today otherwise i will gave thia urge to check out the results!! rain, you better stop. aside that, its just one week to my 21st party! gosh. need to do last lap preparation. hmm kinda sounds like exams lol
pardon me for not writig an organised post. my ideas just came in from everywhere. yes shools starting soon , that spells the vomiting blood choosing for lessons ecr period. decided to take otia, msm, mm and perhaps either monetary econs or industrial econs.
then, sd june project act gonna have an encore in early sept! busy again!
and and lastly, i cant wait to fly over to korea for summer abroad next year!  one fricking fun and hapz month! hagaha. cant wait!

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