Monday 27 August 2012

Happy Elaine

Hi world! Elaine is a happy girl :)

Celebrated my 21st birthday in advanced on the 24th Aug. And though it aint my actual birthday, this day does mark a most memorable hall mark in my life. Because... everyone has that 21 only once. Just like everyone only live once. With the key into the adulthood, and of course legal and... can go into prison already no longer Girls/Boys Home like what my sister randomly commented. she's full of nonsense la. Yup the gist is that, I have to grow up :) we have to grow up. and growing up is part and parcel of our life. Similar to meeting good encounters and bad ones. regard joy and suffering as part of our life :)


Buffet catering from Xin Yi Pin. Service was not bad. Food was not bad too. But a few utensils they've forgotten to bring :( like the ladle to scoop jelly cocktail.

Me and my maternal side's relatives.

My paternal side cousins :) pretty ladies right! haha

My ACT!!!! hahha And thanks to them, you guys get to see photos taken with instax cam! yes! they got me a instant camera and 5 packs of films! :) AWESOME-MEST!


Li yu!! My comrade in faith! ever since FD :) she's always so inspiring. a very nice/good and of cos capable ywd leader :) my yoga khaki!

my another comrade in faith!! engpeng!! ever since pd hahah. and we got closer during our asd time aka JC period la :) a very nice lady and demure la hHAHAH my singing/shopping khaki!

Ok. ANOTHER COMRADE IN FAITH! HAHHA vivien poh yellow!! a very hyper and enthu lady who loves to sing! my singing khaki!

And here comes... my godfather! and I feelbad myself for not performing my role as a goddaughter... I think Ive let him down... could have done much better and more fillial on this part.

Kaiyang!! The very nice guy who helped me in booking this wonderful place with ktv and pool table! Ive troubled him A LOT.

my favourite aunty of all! C'mon let me be biased even for awhile? :D

My jc classmates!! Xuena!Gladys!Ci Zhen!Soo Min! without them and my guitar peeps, Im so sure my jc life would be a boredom. hehhehe

Lastly from instax, my lovely siblings who fight, quarrel and go nonsensical with me for the past 21 years.So... lets "bond" even more in the upcoming years ahead with me okay? hahaha


ITAC!!!!!!! Definitely miss ITAC if i were to grad from SD :) its one of the place where I grew.

MY DISTRICT! Thanks for being so understanding and helpful during all our discussions and plannings. let our itaidoshin spirit flows endlessly!!

TG6! <3 Let us all be capable leaders for the years to come! always renewing our conviction :)


MY YOG B1!!!!!! 

Thank you everyone for the gifts and well wishes written by full sincerity. Thank you for coming down despite the inconvenience caused; the public transport, the place and the timing :/ Im very happy. And I hope you guys have enjoyed thorough too! lovelove!


Shall end the post with this unglam shot of me!

while doing duty at Family Day in the Tampines West CC. too hungry la. HAHAH

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