Tuesday 8 October 2013


1) Been semiactive in finding a job... Since its the time of the year again, it spells no income from doing tuition... Time to spam resume!

2) Im missing Korea already :( From all the bloggings I did for Korea/Seoul Travelogue!

3) Im researching for Taiwan... and even planned out the itinerary with the timing done, hotels done, places done and way to go done... now it seems difficult to coordinate between our schedule...

Bro's PPP that tentatively ends on the 28 March spells we cant go Taiwan in March already... Which is not exactly a bad thing afterall since April's temperature will surely be warmer and perhaps we can see cherry trees blossoming! (are there any?)

The damn it thing is that... Between my bro's PPP to his starting of school is a whooping 10+days! Good for us to travel definitely! BUT BUT BUT my graduation falls between it =.=

Its really ironic that how much I have been looking forward to the Graduation where I get to use the FCH dining place and getting up the stage with my name read out, now Im kinda dreading it...

If I got a normal class or second upper, I may not be that concerned whether i attend the convocation...

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