Tuesday 8 October 2013

Seoul Hyehwa Day 31- Graduation Day, Jimjilbang and farewell

Aigoo... this is one of the saddest day in Seoul...

Before we touch on the bitter part... Lets have a room tour! Maple and Birch House! Earlier Ive mentioned, that guys go into Birch House, whereas ladies belong to the Maple House. Around the same area, there are many other "blahblahblah" House. 

I lived on the third floor! either 301 or 302 forgot which :/

My apartment belongs to the 2 rooms type. 1 room for single with toilet and another for twin.
The opposite apartment belongs to 3 rooms type. 1 twin, 1 single and 1 single room with toilet

For my apartment, wenjing and I use the toilet outside our room whereas Sheryl (our roomie) uses her own!

my side of the room!

ah ya you saw the clothes hanging... cos its nearest to the aircon and we need to blow dry the clothes cos we are moving out the next day!

wenjing's bed!

Chair is pretty dirty when we first came in... so we kept cleaning it and spraying furbreeze! Sheryl even more upz, she bought a curtain cloth and wrap it around her chair lol

The room slipper you saw is actually the one provided by KoreanAir... I didnt use it on plane so I kept it! You have to use this! or buy a slipper for room usage cos the floor is really dirty... we swept and mopped the floor ah...

Behind my closet... plugs! Remembering the first day we got into our dorm... travel adaptor couldnt work and we were frantically finding it up and down...thank goodness for the extension plug we got introduced by soomin...

anyway for my room, I did shift the furnitures around lol

place where I place my laptop cover and books

the aircon! it doesnt show the degrees! no screen on the remote controller as well! for the first light it refers to 16degrees, and click 4 times, to jump to another light that shows 20degrees... and so now...

e.g. you want 18degrees, just make sure the light is first at 16degrees then click twice to up the temperature.

Anyway, our room doesnt have the remote control... so it actually belongs to Sheryl's room! we were sharing it!

paper bags under the desk to keep unuse plastic bags... unuse plastic bags are then served as room, kitchen and toilet rubbish bags...

wenjing's table!

as you can see our things are pretty neat... at least its not all over the place! we only take things out of our luggage when we need it... so when it comes to packing for home its easier!

Ive seen worse at Yihui's dorm... their things are EVERYWHERE... even a girl put her sports bra on the chair outside their room! infront of her desk at the common study area!!

we bought the scent for the closet too! Lavender fragrance from DAISO! its good! Lemon one isnt that nice... hahah

and our electronic door! 

took us a while to understand how the door works lol...

Anyway, if you wanna go out and lock your door... once you step out of the apartment, close the door without turning the handle! it will then lock up like you want to... otherwise, if you pushes down the handle while closing the door, the door will not be locked! How we got to discover this is when we somehow slammed the door lol

The open room is ours! and the one beside is Sheryl's!

Saw the telephone thingy? its actually the doorbell! When people click on the doorbell, you get to see the face through the screen... pick up the phone if you wanna ask/talk to the person who clicked your doorbell!

The device below the phone thingy is for bathing uses! Heater!

Our toilet at the common area!

we place our plastic bag at the corner to contain waste.

The switch!

Graduation day!

We went over to yuxuan and chingu place before heading school for the last time :(

photo bomber alert

no idea what happened lol im probably going crazy

We also got to know that xiuhui is moving out this day as well after lunching with us :( not that she's going back to singapore. she's in fact staying longer... she's moving to a home stay with her sister!

anyhow... we went to school early to settle shipping!

The last Isaac Toast :(

we have learnt our lesson to not pack the box inside the EMS... cos with many people, we tend to talk and chat louder and the PMS guy doesnt like it... so we pack just outside the office! hehh

Selca while yuxuan went inside the office!

to the basement for the graduation! and yes! we were early!

ah~ I really think i look pretty in korea... hmm maybe i should move there LOL

enter lo!

chairs for the profs

and up they go!

student representative to receive the certs!

drum performance! splendid!

after which, location to get the certs was shown on the screen!

And I got 95 for my mod!

Finding MoA!

Take photo with the old compound! the last time :(

trying to do the jump shots... but... always fail =.= we resorted to using video instead LOL

when tired of jumping... we used the raise hand method to test jump lol

photo taken by Kojiro! Yihui, yuxuan and xiuhui's classmate!

He is a japanese whom I think is cute-er than his friend... and yihui said that she knows why i prefer this to another guy already... cos Kojiro sounds like bbq chicken in Chinese... kao ji rou lol!!!! and I love chicken!!

anyway, he is more man la

and when he snaps this photo he calls out, "oneee, twoo, threet!" lol

the lane u see outside SKKU Gate!

kong's riceball and the road at the left side into SKKU!

this was when I spotted a taeyeon look a like

street of hyehwa

went off to have our last lunch together! (at the pancake shop wj and I went)

Back to dorm, we changed our outfit and heading out to Jimjilbang!

knock on the door to find xiuhui still in the dorm... so we decide to take a group photo outside our dorms!

quite obvious how we took this picture right? lol we placed the camera on the stairs! and self timer!

the third!

bidding goodbye to xiuhui and off to jimjilbang!

from Maple house there is a road... to the right, its going towards the hyehwa station. to the left, its going towards SKKU

at the level1, to lock up our shoes!

changed! this is where we locked our bags and belongings! and also the place where naked bodies roam about lol just women


see the thing i put around my wrist? thats the tag and key for the lockers... and how the people charges us for using the amenities and food... dont have to pay extra for the sauna cos thats what you have already paid at the counter!

Ice room isnt working... =.= so we stayed only like 1-2hours then back to dorm to wash up!
Lol this day is when I washed up the most, before sauna, after sauna and at night lol
also the day when i changed outfits the most lol during graduation, to jimjilbang and after jimjilbang

messy style lol

off to the chicken restuarant where lee bo young filmed at! I can hear your voice or something like that...

so coincidental that sheryl and friends were eating there as well! so her exchange friend helped us translate the menu!

no more xiuhui :( after this day, yihui went back to singapore too...

the brochure from SKKU! spot the yoghurt i always eat in Seoul! Peach flavour jjang!!

went back dorm to find Sheryl pushing out her luggage from the lift... and we went back to our room to find Sheryl's room all empty... wha like sad lo... in fact, early in the noon back to dorm after the graduation and our lunch, we found many people moving places/returning already...

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