Cute boys. I think they look way better when they were young. Emma looks just as pretty when she was young.
For future outings, I think I would just texted the rest if Im unsure of my attendance or cannot make it. Cos' you cant 100% for sure that your friend will convey the message or convey the RIGHT message. (This is being responsible for our own words. And not let anothers take the responsibility of our actions. Nothing to do with trust.) Before Im gonna write any further about that issue, am gonna shut up and zip it up. All that I concluded was, my friend is really a true friend. She may not understand me fully, but at least she bother to care and bother to get 'angry'. Thanks from deepest of my heart. (Im not trying to be mushy here. I hate being so... romantic. EWW srsly.)
I can really feel karma acting up. All thanks to me for pangseh-ing my friends and how I treat my family- like taking all for granted. But Im happy! haha and glad that obstacles are coming my way! Cos' that would mean that Im able to transform the bad to the good. Dont understand right? Is like an object will lots of dirt trapped inside, on the surface it might seem to be clean and clear of dust but deep in, its full of dirt. And people are oblivious of it, and couldnt be bothered to clean it. Whereas, object will lots of dirt inside, due to practising of the law, manages to release the dirt out, onto the surface, people will then be able to see it clearly and do the cleaning action.
Feeling for the kid whose parents terminate their relation with the tuition agency due to their irresponsibility cos' they'd just stopped their kid from learning one good technique to overcome certain types of seemingly hard questions. if only...
And, harry potter! It all ends at July 14. Im sure many are catching the last portion of the sequel! Because I am too! Just completed my so-called HP marathon by finishing the latest, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part1. I think to watch this show, its good to do some minor research on the things that're mentioned previously to get a better and clearer idea of whats going on, perhaps in the last battle. e.g. knowing what are horcruxes, whats with the chamber of secret that Hermione kept mentioning in Part1. What are the hallows. I think those are pretty simple read and understandable.
Some recruit tried to swim out of tekong. lol Im sure that guy gotta be some swimming marathon champion. trying to challenge his limits and break the record of swimming a few miles. HAHHAHAHAH he could be long distance swimmer yea?
this is call, tok gong. Meaning, super. But in a sarcastic tone, thanks.
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