Tuesday 8 December 2015

Korea Travelogue: A trip to Ulsan - NEAR MISS!


When planning for this trip to Korea, we wanted to explore somewhere different. In sought of that, we looked through the map and I happened to chance upon one blogger's post where she went to GanJeolGot so I suggested Ulsan as a potential place since its near Busan!

Upon confirming Ulsan, we then looked into Car Rental shop where we can possibly depart from Point A and return car at Point B. But nope, not possible... 

So we did a one day road trip at Ulsan and bought a day Korail Pass which allows us to travel multiple times on Korail within a day; something like Seoul --> Ulsan (self drive) --> Busan

 Early in the morning, we packed our luggage to be brought over to Ulsan then Busan.

A selfie and my hair after I went Juno Hair!

Rented car from Hertz near Ulsan Station. We put our luggage inside the car and went travelling!

First stop: Tae Hwa Gang Grand Park

Tadah the white car

Pengpeng's eye is in a bad state since the start of the trip and it didn't get better... Cos it was rather bad, we traveled around to search for Hospital where she can get her eye treatment done.

So apparently, in Korea, they name carpark repair shop, dental, vet as blah blah byeonwon... Byeongwon means clinic/hospital... we being Singaporeans didn't know our search for a proper hospital needs to be super specific so we ended up in many other different types of hospital...

But lastly, we managed to find one legit hospital after conversing with the Vet hospital valet ahjussi when we were parking the car...

Happy faces after the tedious search and tedious conversation with the nurse and doctor... Peng Peng finally got her medicine :)

Then we continued to hit the road. We headed to the seonam lake park thereafter cos it was supposed to be filled with beautiful flowers... But ok maybe wrong season lol

After this, we headed to the Gan Jeon Got which was the farthest of the three. You know what? Somehow we clicked onto the GPS (Korean language only) wrongly and travelled a super long way back to the Hertz Car Rental store at Ulsan station. WALAO EHHHHH 😱😱😱😱

So now, we took a longer distance from Hertz Rental to Gan Jeol Got.......... and the skies are turning dark......

We drove till a connecting lane and accidentally went into the opposite lane without knowing. Few seconds after, we saw an oncoming vehicle and the lady driver gave us the loudest honk ever then we realised that we drove into the wrong lane... 🙉😱

I guess that was cos we are so accustomed to Singapore right hand driving while Korea left hand driving is our first experience...

Thankfully no one is hurt, thankfully the oncoming vehicle isn't those huge trucks... #nmhrgk 🙏🙏🙏

Happy faces when we reached the ultimate destination lol the sea wind is crazy...

Glass house Starbucks at Gan Jeol Got. We rested awhile after a long day out in the cold...

The craziest nightmare happen to us again, after our rest at the Starbucks... We rushed into the car (cos the wind is damn strong and cold) and wanted to leave this place. Engine stalled. Poh tried to start the car again. Engine stalled again. Tried all sorts of method to get it going. Cant.

Can you imagine we were damn anxious and worried liao cos technically Gan Jeol Got is like the ulu-est place near the sea where there are no lamp post along the road.. not even on the highway.. they use road reflectors...


We calm our hearts and mind. Pohpoh tried again, and finally it worked!!! Not sure if it's cos the weather is too cold that the car needed sometime to warm up.

Along the way back, the fuel bar is signalling low fuel... remember? cos we made a wrong detour back to the Hertz Rental cos of the GPS...

But anyway, happy face after all these scary encounters while filling up the tank.

Reached our Busan apartment at night! It's also walking distance from the Busan station :)

Till the next day!

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