Thursday 3 December 2015

Korea Travelogue: Beautiful Nature Beautiful People


During my last summer exchange in Korea, I didn't get to go Namiseom due to the super rain so ferry stopped transporting passengers over to the island... So I only managed to tour Petite France...

This time round, we havent had any issue with the weather! and the tall trees are botak 💇 now! What a great time to visit 😚

We headed over to Gangchon railway park first and tell you, ITS DAMN FUN! DAMN COLD! DAMN FREEZING COLD! AND THE VIEW IS AMAZING!

We went out super early, that explains our sleepy face...💤

We alighted at the Gimyujeong station~ and let the photos do the talking :)

Look at the little kiddos lol

Huge ass "giant books" as the wall

Purchase the tickets and queue up! We bought the 4 pax bike at 35,000won

Briefing is done only in Korean so hmm... Don't be afraid if you don't understand cos there is demo done concurrently e.g. how to use the brake, the pedal, the safety distance etc

All aboard! oh ya and you really need a glove at this season! and possibly a face mask... cos bike goes down the hill so fast you feel the chill in the air

These ahjummas in front very slow lol

 lol the disco tunnel haha 💭🎆🎇🎈🎉🎊🎧🎶

Its a one way trip for biking and we return via the choochoo train to another destination though

We went to a restaurant nearby the Namiseom for lunch!

Took a shuttle bus to the nearest station and went over to Namiseom!!!

Seeeee even the ground is beautifully covered by the yellow leaves

We went to Hyehwa cos I wanted to return to this fond place where I stayed for a month during the exchange. Wanted to see if my turn turn chicken store is still here


damn spicy lor



Actually we wanted to go for the DMZ Tour but probably cos last minute too tired so we cancelled... never mind shall leave this for my third trip hahaha #alwaysareasontoreturn

We went to the Sauna place nearby our accommodation and here you go! The sheep towel lol

We went to ehwa after Jimjilbang where I get my hair done while the girls when shopping and cafe hopping haha

I did my hair at Juno Hair. Their facility is good, clean and sleek. Service is good too. I got my hair cut, dyed and permed. In total, I think I spent about 250,000 to 300,000 won. Cos I read up prior to my trip, I am prepared to spend this sum of money to groom my hair lol

The hairdo is really nice and I like it :) The first day, my Hair looks a little weird but after a few days, it's really pretty haha I think! Very satisfied!

After setting my hair, we headed over itaewon to meet up with a KSGI leader! She brought us to the discussion meeting venue! Meeting held in Korean language 😓 can't understand

I met the lady on the right during my last exchange in Korea, where some of my SSA friends and I went over to Jincheon for a KSGI kenshu and we stayed in the same room together! How coincident!

After the meeting, we followed the KSGI leader (ahhhh I forgot her name!! was it Joo Young?) to the Kaikan at Yong San station area

Met up with a few other YWD leaders in KSGI!

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