Tuesday 1 December 2015

Korea Travelogue: My second trip doing weird things

This is my second trip to Korea and it's nothing short of amazing :)

We explored places where we've never been to and probably a few less touristy place (but really beautiful) and tried new stuff :P #yolo

I have posted about the summary of my trip here: http://etylin.blogspot.sg/2015/11/summary-of-316inkorea.html do read it up for some guidance if you need. No photos though... so it can be rather dry

So here it goes~!


If you have read the summary post you would have known that I went on this trip with 2 of my friends where I traveled together with 1 of them to Korea first and the other joined us a day later.

PengPeng and I bought the cheap air tickets from SIA's promotion $710 only! 😀 ⛘But we flew on a red-eye flight. Given the bo-hua-ness, we decided to stay overnight at the airport just to wait for Poh to arrive the next morning, and to save up on some 💰.

If anyone wants to know if it's safe to sleep at the airport, I think it is... cos there are travellers and cleaners around too. We slept on a bench at level 1 departure hall, there were some others who slept on the benches too lol

Just take note that, it is really uncomfortable to sleep on it cos it's hard and the length of the chairs combined is also too short for a person like me (height 155cm)... Just so you can imagine that anyone could hardly sleep well... 💤


Poh met up with us and we took the airport limousine to our Airbnb apartment within walking distance from Seoul station!

After settling down at our apartment, we walked over to the Seoul Station's Lotte Mart to source for some tidbits and other food 😋 to be brought over to Hangang!

On the way to Hangang, we saw this playground and got a little fascinated at a Korean Playground 😂

I think we went over to Hangang via a kinda different than usual route... So we got lost but there were a few kind ahjussi and ahgassi who directed us to the place!

It's autumn when we went, so the trees are like a botak lol

Chio right?! Actually we wanted to rent bicycles, but it's either closed or we couldn't find a kiosk nearby our location.

After the night picnic at the Hangang, we went over to LINE shop 😍😍😍... Forgot which station this is at oops

Head over to some BBQ place for our dinner!

Just look at the meat and drool 😝

We went back to sleep after this!

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