Wednesday 31 December 2014

new year 2015 resolutions!

Its the time of the year to celebrate n indulge in the festive seasons! N like usual... its reflection n resolution setting time! Gonna do a visuals look back but this is not the right time yet~

A wordy throwback to my resolution set on 31 dec 2013 for the year 2014 which went by in a flash.

2014 Resolutions

1. Travel overseas with family to Taiwan. So it means Ive to earn money for it!
2. Travel overseas with family or solo to Korea during autumn!
3. Activeness of the district leaders in the 4 districts
4. Three fold of YWD members in District 4
5. Growth of the newly established SIMSD
6. Masters plan in local uni
7. Self improve on skills eg PC skills, language wise
8. Get a job I love
9. Activeness of SIMSD members and leaders
10. Strengthen my faith
11. Not to be so overly sensitive and tame my own attitude problem
12. Be pessimistic with time

Accomplished -
Point 3: achieved 9 from 2 existing ywds
Point 7: achieved some
Point 8: achieved. Working in a fun company with great colleagues, n unique environment
Point 11: did my hr through culture events. Most visibly, through YFP

2015 resolutions

1. Travel with family to Taiwan, Korea or HK!
2. Continue to strengthen the faith YWDs in the 4 districts
3. Strengthen n build comradeship in SIMSD
4. Be the dialogue queen
5. Learn pc software n language!
6. Find a job which empowers me n able to contribute to gakkai
7. complete HR n 4 NHR books at home
8. BE EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Transform myself through SEA Games (refer to point 2, 3, 4, 8)
10. overcome my bed
11. Love my family and friends even more and... 내 인생의 사랑을 찾다 :)
12. keep fit #whoatheabs

Thursday 4 December 2014

wow wow wow

I havent updated this space for the longest of time! Life has been hectic, exhausting, but meaningful, and fulfilling for me while I was away.

So have I been busy with? WORK WORK WORK. haha kidding, Life's not ALL about work. But heck yes, work does chope a large part of my day... practically, I am working office hours meaning 830am to 6pm... The only time I am available on a weekday would be at night!

But still, I am not at home relaxing~ Most of my nights are spent with my YFP trainings and meetings, meet up with friends which only stood 10% of my life > < to justify for myself, my friends are working adults with their own commitments too... haha so... its not just me who's busy.

Sometimes, meeting my family on a weekday maybe just 30mins or none... oh i feel for my bosses and Gakkai leaders. No wonder when Sensei was inaugurated the 3rd president of Soka Gakkai, Mrs Ikeda treated him to a simple meal conveying that, she considers that to be a funeral... well... its for the happiness of others! if not for him and the many who upheld the M&D spirit, many of us wont have what we have right now this time.

my weekends are equally filled too! but with Gakkai activities~ I consider myself as working for 2 jobs.

This is the correct kind of happening life.

Saturday 2 August 2014


Oh my. Ive gone away for the longest of time! When was the last post?! APRIL???!?!!! Anyway, ill try my very best to throwback on each happening (and boring) events I had!

Meanwhile, Im typing and eating alone at McDonald's in Marina Square waiting for my mum to complete her NDP Preview performance! Hmm should I walk to somewhere to watch the fireworks? :)

Saturday 19 July 2014

NDP 2014 - NE Show 2

My mom participated in NDP - Singapore Soka Association! She had a hard time trading and finding more tickets for NE Show 2! As supportive daughter and son, we went down to support our mama!

super like the fun packs this year! super colourful and practical! a lot people who I know love the design too!

the crowd at the merlion increased by 100X at night. seriously... spot the stairs on the left? its filled with people at night.

my mum's group's box!

i just love to stalk people lol snapping people who are snapping away. by the way, that's the "Noah's Ark" on top of the Marina Bay Sands. Same here, its filled with people at night.

the marching band!

stalking in progress. anyway, I really love this camera of mine especially the 21x zoom!!!!

Soka's item!!

Finale and fire works!

with my mum n didi!! on the stage after the whole finale!

Saturday 12 July 2014

Iris' birthday celebration at Udders!

super delicious pancakes!

super delicious ice cream!

thought of and created a different type of gift to Iris! a tumbler full of our photos. Iris wanted photos to be kept as memories and we have tried photo albums a lot of times which i think isnt really useful and practical. So, adopting the idea of many, i thought of the tumbler!


Sunday 22 June 2014

Bernard and Jean's union

Family headed to Orchard Hotel and it started to rain after we have reached the lobby. so fortunate!

A series of narcissistic photos! haha 

Ive slapped some makeup on! spot that eyeliner I am using. thats gel eyeliner from Tony Mony. super good i feel. used it for the first time in seoul but i think cos i wasnt too skilled in doing make up (im not skilled now even...) and since its gel so a lot smudge around the lids... but you will get the hang of it very fast! anyway the point is that, this eyeliner  is different from pencil or liquid eyeliners... the latter is too strong and exudes the fierceness while gel eyeliner is softer :) love it! thanks to the introduction of it by my euija chingu! 


alright photos for the both of the main leads! The wedding concept is pretty funny n out of the box! e.g. they entered the hall for the second time dancing to pop songs lol different from the conventional way. Their wedding album too, super funny, and they snapped those photos in non-studios e.g. IKEA. lol


Monday 19 May 2014


Its the commemorative gongyo meeting at SPC. Banzai!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Lunch date at Habitat @Upper Thomson Road

Secondary school favourite girls met up again! This time round, for Jiayin's birthday surprise~~

The Eggs Benedict which is both jean's and iris' favourite!

The Big Ben!

The famous Truffle Fries, which is pretty decent but nothing to rave about? Maybe cos our expectations are placed so high up due to many good reviews about it.

Cheeszy pasta with bacon and sausage. this is nice! The cream is not too thick like swensens which is a total turn off to me. 

The one at the top right corner is Black pepper dory. Dory is nice. But the pasta with black pepper is a little tad too spicy and too pepper-ish... if with milder sprinkle of pepper, the pasta will be so much better! the taste is not bad despite the spiciness!

Cutting of the puffy eggy!!

Birthday cake for Jiayin from the 4 leaves!

oh! Habitat allows reservation on weekends only for group of 6 and above! And we reached at 1.30pm, left our names on the waiting list and waited for 30mins. During the wait, we went to the rochor beancurd to have some desserts :)

Universal Studios Singapore

Spent only 30bucks each for the USS tickets! Went with family on a Sunday together with one closest cousin! 

Some touristy shots!

Everyone's favourite minion!!!!!!!!!!

*This costs 39.90SGD*

Just right outside the souvenir shop near the entrance!

Old school police car! at the hollywood area!

LOL..... Wanted my sister to help take a few 'artistic' shots with the mist lol but... it turns out pretty funny?

now you dont see me HAHA

Cool walkway near the mist emitting drain... so trying out model strutting down the vintage alley. lol fail much?

Battlestar galactica which is currently closed.
Red- Human
Blue- Cylon (a lot of near missed moments and inversion!)

Transformer area!

Easter was on the 18th April, and we went on the 20th! USS has an ongoing event from Friday to Sunday! So we saw the Easter Bunny and his company for performance!

Egypt~ reminds you of? the famous ride-- Revenge of the mummy.

The entrance to the dark ride~

We skipped the ride... too thrilling as reviewed by friends.

Inside the castle of Happy Ever After- Far Far away land~ waiting to watch the 4D movie of the shrek!

Review: Not as engaging? meaning, for example, the chair rocks as the horse in the screen gallops, but the chair does not rock in the same frequency. chairs are slower and... some chairs are faulty? dont rock when its supposed to.

Water live show near the Jurassic park! ooh try their canopy ride and the water ride (can get really wet though. ponchos are on sale at this attraction. so got to buy!)

oh this water live show IS AMAZING! a lot of stunts! a lot of pyrotechnics! and surprises! must watch!!

Next up! Madagascar!

Can you spot something hanging on the branch of the tree?

and returning back~ we spot the...

Can recognise??

The minions!! Didnt queue up because... the queue was too long. not that I dont want to join the queue, but cos the crew forbids us to :( There will be time intervals. so for my case then, the crew told us that the minions will be back at 6pm. Its like 3pm when we spotted them.

SO CUTE!!!! 

1) USS is structured in a shape of a globe. You will definitely not miss any attractions.
2) Do your research at home for those rides. like wikipedia them. Because, at the attraction itself, there are no signboards to show what kind of rides those are... there are indoor roller coaster, 4D rides, 4D movie etc read it up first!
3) Try Revenge of the Mummy and Transformer ride.
4) Take photos with the mascots!! yayy!! 
Near entrance: Minions, Charlie Chaplin,Frankenstein, Woody and Winnie Woodpecker
Hollywood: Marilyn Monroe, (sesame street characters whom I didnt see)
Transformer: none
Egypt: Princess and Guard (TAKE NOTE: THE PRINCESS SUPER ATTITUDE PROBLEM. i dont like her. hmph! i prefer happy mascots)
Jurassic Park: Baby dinosaur
Far Far Away: Shrek and Fiona, Puss in Boots, Fairy godmother, (donkey)
Madagascar: Alex the lion, Gloria the hippopotamus, the 4 penguins and King Julien the super cheeky