Thursday 4 December 2014

wow wow wow

I havent updated this space for the longest of time! Life has been hectic, exhausting, but meaningful, and fulfilling for me while I was away.

So have I been busy with? WORK WORK WORK. haha kidding, Life's not ALL about work. But heck yes, work does chope a large part of my day... practically, I am working office hours meaning 830am to 6pm... The only time I am available on a weekday would be at night!

But still, I am not at home relaxing~ Most of my nights are spent with my YFP trainings and meetings, meet up with friends which only stood 10% of my life > < to justify for myself, my friends are working adults with their own commitments too... haha so... its not just me who's busy.

Sometimes, meeting my family on a weekday maybe just 30mins or none... oh i feel for my bosses and Gakkai leaders. No wonder when Sensei was inaugurated the 3rd president of Soka Gakkai, Mrs Ikeda treated him to a simple meal conveying that, she considers that to be a funeral... well... its for the happiness of others! if not for him and the many who upheld the M&D spirit, many of us wont have what we have right now this time.

my weekends are equally filled too! but with Gakkai activities~ I consider myself as working for 2 jobs.

This is the correct kind of happening life.

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