Friday 3 May 2013

What chu sayin'?!

Haven't been posting much! Having my final year exams right now. Written examination that weighs 100% pretty frightening Hahha people kept saying that im hardworking so don't need to ganchiong but eh hardworking people or even clever asses can't get anxious one meh? aren't they/we humans too -.-

Anyway. otia is down! 3 more to go! Returning school today to find my cher for mgt math mod. Kick ass subject. Even for a math pro like me. ㅋㅋ self acclaimed one la. But i don't deny that my math is good. A in Os and eh B in As and 80 in uni? Was really jialat when i was in sec1-3. FAIL or just pass ALL THE WAY. Maybe i just don't get algebra la

Sitting for exams seems surreal and the thought of me working soon is daunting and over overseas damn soon too appear like a dream.

for now. Work hard.

Oh! Im so going Seoul to settle my hair its getting boring. Teehee

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