Thursday 29 November 2012

Day 9- Pet Peeves

lol whats wrong with this Day 9's challenge...

I guess it really depends on my mood. say for example, when I dont feel good, usually ill think birds in my house are irritating. Cos they chirp non stop daily, except during the night when they have to sleep. lol

annoyed with cats and dogs come near me especially cats! i cant stand their tail wriggling around. there was one episode when my family and i went out to have a feast somewhere near Chinese New Year, ahha a good way to bond and spend a little more on food :) we were having our dinner outside the 'dim sum restaurant', sitting onto those plastic chairs like those students sat on when waiting to receive bursary or scholarship. STUPID CAT CAME OVER TO OUR TABLE AND PACED AROUND AND AROUND AND GO UNDER THE TABLE AND SNEAK AN ATTACK ON ME BY COMING UNDER MY FRICKING CHAIR. GROSS and thankfully i was wearing a pair of shorts, i crossed my legs on the chair -.- should have worn long jeans right.

cant stand them. but for dogs/puppies, at least im getting better at controlling my annoyance and dislike when i see them. perhaps thanks to weiwei, my neighbour's dog who is really really nice, well taught and such cutie pie. so, not too afraid now haha

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