Monday 5 November 2012

Day 1- write some basic things about yourself

Hello, Im Elaine. Im a human. You read this, so I assume you are human too. Ive lived my life for at least 2 decades already, and still counting and growing... old. Im still studying, aiming to get my first class honours this year! And 2013 gotta be the year I unofficially graduate, hopefully haha and 2014 gotta be my convocation! And, I cant wait :) My sister and I gonna graduate in the same year! So... Im intending to tae family photo in studio and outdoor. Its gonna be fun! haha I love self improving i.e. my attitude, my character etc. Cos i want to become a better man :) sings* to be a better man!*

I love to eat. But im constantly in a look out of my exceeding weight limit. Never more than 50kg.

Im a fashion disaster :( sadly to say. I dont really dress or dolly myself up... one, im lazy. second, im really bad at it. So anyone? Anyone wants to help me makeover? i would gladly accept you know?

Guess thats about it! Pretty basic! haha

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