Monday 12 November 2012

day 3- your day, in great detail

i shall start with... this sorta day 3's 12am then!

was guilty to not have studied during the weekends. procrastination got the better of me. and yes im guilty. so i studied management math till like 1230am which is hmm 2houra of studying? :) to make me feel a little better la. but, those are excuses i know :/

and so i slept afterwards cos ive a morning class in the day. management math class that is.

in the day, woke up at 630am. and... i went back to zz again hahahah to wake up 15mins later. took my phone, sured the facebook semi conciously. hehe then brush up time! then ruahed off time! buses were nice to me today. and so i reached school 15mins early.

class time: math is getting more complicated. but its not as if i xant get it. just need that effort to sort them out. was half gone 3/4 into the lesson. lol didnt managed to dine at the korean food house today cos wj was sick :( last week was me. lets hope that we'll be able to head down next week then! and, found another korea summer abroad goer! yay! but. pretty worried that korea exchange will be a hot spot for students... and that means competition. wts really cant wait for it :D but, i shoildnt get too involved into searching for travel stuff and geting myself distracted from studies (last year somemore) when the registration has not even open nor am i accepted. lol

after class, chiong home. got myself mcdonalds' evm fillet burger. there were 2 long queues at those 2 counters.

reached home. eat that lunch and rewatched Meteor Garden. liu xing hua yuan. hahah :p
and im still watching now haha.

get back to sleep soon and study and... get out for meeting!

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