Thursday 11 October 2012

Life's good!

Its been pretty horrible that I kept on eating non stop. But, on a hindsight, its also good to be able to eat good food right? I mean not everyone has to chance to.

Met up with the June Project Comm last Sunday. Initially planned to go to this er, Hard Rock Cafe at Orchard for dinner, BUT i suggested elsewhere just a few hours before meeting :/ cos the price for the menu is really steep la huh. and its not as if the ambience there is really good or vintage kind (cos i like). and i was never there before, so you might ask, "then how u know the price is upz and the ambience?!" then, Ill reply, "GOOGLE! UR BEST FRIEND!" ok sorry for side tracking lol and so we went to Everything With Fries! At Orchard Central.

Heres my order...

looking good? Its 10.90 in total. 9.90 for set menu that includes choice of fries (sour garlic and salted fries, really salty), burger (bacon cheese omelette) and a cold drink. as i couldnt consume anything cold then, i chose hot drink (a cuppa cuppucino) and for that, you have to top up an additional 1dollar.

the portion is really huge. HUGE. HUMONGOUS. I couldnt finish everything. was already 90% full the moment i reach the point where ive devour at least 50% of the above... yes, that full. I kept pushing on till it left like a few bites off the burger and a few sticks of fries. sounds wrong but ya, FULL.

Today! I went to this bukit timah plaza for the first time to realise its actually pretty big inside! lol and a lot of good food and good deals! had some korean food over there. its nice but the price abit high la. abit only la. here what i ate:

Set menu. 2 vegie, 1 meat and rice! I chose, broccoli, toufu and chicken! the latter 2 are spicy. but not that spicy if its accompanied with rice/soup. really cos personally i dont eat spicy stuff. cant take it. haha so all this for 6bucks. what do you think?

As i was having this, i literally went hysteria lol LOL looking at the photo, c'mon! doesnt it look like im having some korean food at a korea university's canteen?! oh gosh, and so that makes me go crazy la. cos i cant wait to go overseas for summer. But the bad side would be, the higher the expectation, if somehow i fail to go over, the greater the disappointment. right? sigh. let the nature takes its course then!

This is the place we went...


And the menu...

hopefully it is visible for all to see. as in for those who are keen la

late post opps. a birthday party at my granny's place. for the little kid who is turning 2!
only my pictures la! hahaha cos i dont think itll be good to publicise the little kid's photo right? copyright issue lol

at the voideck. 

what is this?! ELMO!

what is that?! BIG BIRD!

another elmo at the voideck! this time round with a balloon scrupted sword! WARRIOR ELMO!

The cake!

lol reminiscing the days as a child. ahh~~ almost wanted to sneak in. hehheh!

When all else fails, Plan Z goes! (when entering the playground fails, play with the bike!) oh gosh, how did i did that?!

PS: Mudpie is craved!

YUMZ! Are you drooling already?

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