Wednesday 10 October 2012

im really getting fat :( the dilemma between good food and becoming a fatty.

and so, imma getting into the momentum in studies. pretty good. hehe and... stress! 스트레스! alot to do and read up on. anyway, thanks to technology, i began to read bbc and the economist at a regular basis right now. at least 3 articles from each per day. so much convenient! esp when reading on bus or trains
at least u wouldnt be hitting someone else with your arm and the papers flipping. 만세!

busy busy. busy studying, meeting up for dialogues, meetings and a little fraction of it to socialise. since tuition has stopped, im thinkig of taking korean basic 2! :)) then maybe can work for some firm as admin for flexinle hours.

if it happens, i cant think of the consequences. i dont know how i will feel. but as much as possible i will not let it affect me.
seem to have saw some person who looks superly like him. glad that it didnt affect me hahahahah

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